Prepare For the Next Globalist Assault on Your Liberty

Is a “Climate Lockdown” on the horizon?

Kit Knightly

If and when the powers-that-be decide to move on from their pandemic narrative, lockdowns won’t be going anywhere. Instead it looks like they’ll be rebranded as “climate lockdowns”, and either enforced or simply held threateningly over the public’s head.

At least, according to an article written by an employee of the WHO, and published by a mega-corporate think-tank.

Let’s dive right in.


The report, titled “Avoiding a climate lockdown”, was written by Mariana Mazzucato, a professor of economics at University College London, and head of something called the Council on the Economics of Health for All, a division of the World Health Organization.

It was first published in October 2020 by Project Syndicate, a non-profit media organization that is (predictably) funded through grants from the Open society Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and many, many others.

After that, it was picked up and republished by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), which describes itself as “a global, CEO-led organization of over 200 leading businesses working together to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world.”.

The WBCSD’s membership is essentially every major company in the world, including Chevron, BP, Bayer, Walmart, Google and Microsoft. Over 200 members totalling well over 8 TRILLION dollars in annual revenue.

In short: an economist who works for the WHO has written a report concerning “climate lockdowns”, which has been published by both a Gates+Soros backed NGO AND a group representing almost every bank, oil company and tech giant on the planet.

Whatever it says, it clearly has the approval of the people who run the world.


The text of the report itself is actually quite craftily constructed. It doesn’t outright argue for climate lockdowns, but instead discusses ways “we” can prevent them.

As COVID-19 spread […] governments introduced lockdowns in order to prevent a public-health emergency from spinning out of control. In the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again – this time to tackle a climate emergency […] To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.

This cleverly creates a veneer of arguing against them, whilst actually pushing the a priori assumptions that any so-called “climate lockdowns” would a) be necessary and b) be effective. Neither of which has ever been established.

Another thing the report assumes is some kind of causal link between the environment and the “pandemic”:

COVID-19 is itself a consequence of environmental degradation

I wrote an article, back in April, exploring the media’s persistent attempts to link the Covid19 “pandemic” with climate change. Everybody from the Guardian to the Harvard School of Public Health is taking the same position – “The root cause of pandemics [is] the destruction of nature”:

The razing of forests and hunting of wildlife is increasingly bringing animals and the microbes they harbour into contact with people and livestock.

There is never any scientific evidence cited to support this position. Rather, it is a fact-free scare-line used to try and force a mental connection in the public, between visceral self-preservation (fear of disease) and concern for the environment. It is as transparent as it is weak.


So, what exactly is a “climate lockdown”? And what would it entail?

The author is pretty clear:

Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling.

There you have it. A “climate lockdown” means no more red meat, the government setting limits on how and when people use their private vehicles and further (unspecified) “extreme energy-saving measures”. It would likely include previously suggested bans on air travel, too.

All in all, it is potentially far more strict than the “public health policy” we’ve all endured for the last year.

As for forcing fossil fuel companies to stop drilling, that is drenched in the sort of ignorance of practicality that only exists in the academic world. Supposing we can switch to entirely rely on renewables for energy, we still wouldn’t be able to stop drilling for fossil fuels.

Oil isn’t just used as fuel, it’s also needed to lubricate engines and manufacture chemicals and plastics. Plastics used in the manufacture of wind turbines and solar panels, for example.

Coal isn’t just needed for power stations, but also to make steel. Steel which is vital to pretty much everything humans do in the modern world.

It reminds me of a Victoria Wood sketch from the 1980s, where an upper-middle class woman remarks, upon meeting a coal miner, “I suppose we don’t really need coal, now we’ve got electricity.”

A lot of post-fossil utopian ideas are sold this way, to people who are comfortably removed from the way the world actually works. This mirrors the supposed “recovery” the environment experienced during lockdown, a mythic creation selling a silver lining of house arrest to people who think that because they’re having their annual budget meetings over Zoom, somehow China stopped manufacturing 900 million tonnes of steel a year, and the US military doesn’t produce more pollution than 140 different countries combined.

The question, really, is why would an NGO backed by – among others – Shell, BP and Chevron, possibly want to suggest a ban on drilling for fossil fuel? But that’s a discussion for another time.


So, the “climate lockdown” is a mix of dystopian social control, and impractical nonsense likely designed to sell an agenda. But don’t worry, we don’t have to do this. There is a way to avoid these extreme measures, the author says so:

To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently […] Addressing this triple crisis requires reorienting corporate governance, finance, policy, and energy systems toward a green economic transformation […] Far more is needed to achieve a green and sustainable recovery […] we want to transform the future of work, transit, and energy use.

“Overhaul”? “reorienting”? “transformation”?

Seems like we’re looking at a new-built society. A “reset”, if you will, and given the desired scope, you could even call it a “great reset”, I suppose.

Except, of course, the Great Reset is just a wild “conspiracy theory”. The elite doesn’t want a Great Reset, even if they keep saying they do

…they just want a massive wholesale “transformation” of our social, financial, governmental and energy sectors.

They want you to own nothing and be happy. Or else.

Because that’s the oddest thing about this particular article, whereas most fear-porn public programming at least attempts subtlety, there is very definitely an overtly threatening tone to this piece [emphasis added]:

we are approaching a tipping point on climate change, when protecting the future of civilization will require dramatic interventions […] One way or the other, radical change is inevitable; our task is to ensure that we achieve the change we want – while we still have the choice.

The whole article is not an argument, so much as an ultimatum. A gun held to the public’s collective head. “Obviously we don’t want to lock you up inside your homes, force you to eat processed soy cubes and take away your cars,” they’re telling us, “but we might have to, if you don’t take our advice.”

Will there be “climate lockdowns” in the future? I wouldn’t be surprised. But right now – rather than being seriously mooted – they are fulfilling a different role. A frightening hypothetical – A threat used to bully the public into accepting the hard-line globalist reforms that make up the “great reset”.

Many thanks to all the people on social media who brought this to our attention.

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 Jun 12, 2021 9:28 AM

The basis for lockstep of corporate ‘support’ is at least partly revealed in Mark Carney’s ultimatum regarding compliance in the so called Green New Deal; “Those who do not comply WILL go bust!”.
The flip side being that those who align with the Economic Hit Man receive all manner of inducements at least in the short term.

The deceit operating as a multi generational and transnational ‘entity’ in human affairs is the mind of control, set in fears that run as fact – so as to in effect be the personification and systemic embodiment of fear, lack and loss of self in terms of loss of face, loss of control and masking narrative dictate.

So while different personae can seem to be primary agencies or perpetrators, and others as acted upon or coerced victims, the truth of the mask is hidden or diverted from by engagement within the masking of lack of substance. Which is the reactive division of judgements or memes that ‘take’ in terms of ideas and contextual associations that tap into our fear and hatred of life set as Other.
The alienation of self in mind as body from the Relational Field that Is Life, is ALREADY operative as a Normal of conditioned habit in focussing within a willing sacrifice of Life to the evasion of hated and feared conflict, pain and loss, for the trickle of life set in parody that the mind ‘gives’ in exchange for compliance.

Attempts to communicate to such a mind as a form of relational embrace will generally be filtered or ruled out …

This post continues to those who find resonance, relevance or curiosity of desire at:

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
 Jun 12, 2021 7:17 AM

It is imperative that those who ‘run the world’ set a proper example for 5 years to show the world how to behave. This means:

  1. No-one running the world ever travels more than 30 miles from where they live using any transportation other than a bicycle, a horse or a wooden boat.
  2. No-one running the world makes journeys of 1 mile or less using a powered vehicle.
  3. No-one running the world buys any fruit or vegetables, since they will be growing them themselves.
  4. All people running the world must be audited and proven to live carbon-negative lives in order to be allowed to run the world.
  5. All people running the world must pass a rigorous ‘climate exam’ not set by the IPCC, rather set by people who actually evaluate evidence in a skeptical, scientific manner.
  6. All people running the world will stop telling everyone else what to do and simply do it themselves for five years.
Top Planner
Top Planner
 Jun 12, 2021 3:55 AM

The so called “global leaders” are absolute morons. They are leading a new dark age, and absolute Iron Age of incredible density and ignorance. They must be opposed in every way, but I believe their roots into all levels of “education”, society, culture, politics, government, and the techno-pseudo-scientific institutions warrants that they can only be overcome in-total by physical force, and only in part by legal and political challenges. All healthy-minded individuals and groups must prepare themselves for physical battle, political battle, and legal battle.

les online
les online
 Jun 12, 2021 3:19 AM

“Periodic wars and crises are used to whip-up other plunder-reward cycles which in effect tighten the noose around our individual liberties.
“And of course we have hordes of academic sponges, amoral businessmen, and just plain hangers-on, to act as non-productive recipients for the plunder.
“Stop the cycles of plunder and immoral reward and elitist structures will collapse. But not until the majority find the moral courage and internal fortitude to reject the something-for-nothing con game and replaces it by voluntary associations, voluntary communes, or local rule and decentralised societies, will the killing and the plunder cease.”(Peter Cudenec at the Winter Oak site, quoting Anthony C Sutton’s ‘Wall Street and the Rise of the Hitler’(1976)

 Jun 12, 2021 2:49 AM

This is a link to what also might be next : a high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial industry, an actual event that would pave the way for a “reset” of the global economy.

les online
les online
 Jun 12, 2021 2:26 AM

“If even (just) tens of thousands of elderly people were deliberately killed (and i believe the evidence for that is overwhelming), then the people who took the decision to kill the elderly people are also capable of taking the decision to kill off other members of society that they dont believe are worth saving.” (Brian Gerrish (UKcolumn) in recent video talk with Reiner Fuellmich)…
‘Garrish referred to a WHO-recognised paper on non-physical techniques of torture called the Biderman’s Chart of Coercion. “Virtually every COVID pandemic measure can be ticked off against one of the entries in Biderman’s Chart.” (Covid is a psyop pt 2 – Cairns News. 11 June 2021)

les online
les online
 Jun 12, 2021 2:39 AM

 Reply to  les online

from the chart: many of the techniques are applied in Army ‘Obedience training ‘ in Boot Camp – as well as in the drawn-out 10 -12 years of Obedience training, called ‘schooling’ carried out in those child detention centres called ‘schools’.(aka Boot Kamp for Kids).

 Jun 12, 2021 12:11 AM

G7 Politics Is The Last Shelter Of The Criminally Retarded
The criminal and the politician are the same type of people.
If the criminal becomes politically successful they are a great leader.
If the politician cannot succeed in being in power they become a criminal.
Politicians are destructive people, their whole effort is to dominate others.
This desire to dominate others is ugly, it is violence, pure violence and nothing else.
To reduce people to slaves is the greatest violence possible.
And that is the desire of every politician, to dominate, and to dominate absolutely.
All of these psychopaths are hungry for power, they are power-mad.
Their only joy is to dominate.
They talk about great service only to then dominate people.
You can look at the world, you can look at the history, and you will find proofs in abundance.
What they have done to humanity, just watch it, and what they continuously go on doing.
Just look at their games, just look at all their lies.
They are keeping the whole world in stupidity.
And they are not only stupid, they are stupidly cunning.
Remember, only stupid people are cunning.
You may not have thought of it that way.
An intelligent person is never cunning, intelligence is enough, they need not have any cunningness.
The stupid person has to substitute for their lack of intelligence, they have to become cunning.
By the time politician’s reach the highest posts, any intelligence has already withered away.
People who have gone beyond the age of sixty, seventy, eighty, then become prime ministers and presidents.
This is dangerous for the world, because they have so much power and so little intelligence left, if any?
In fact most people choose them to be prime ministers and presidents because they are no longer intelligent.
People don’t like intelligent persons.
Most people like people who look like them, who are retarded like them, then they feel they are not strangers.
Intelligent people will always be strangers.
People only choose dull dead persons to be in power because they can be safe with them.
Countries choose mediocre people to be in power, because they will save their tradition, their conventions, their prejudices.
They will protect their poisons.
Instead of destroying them, they will enhance them and strengthen them.
It is certainly dangerous to have unintelligent people in powerful posts.
And it is becoming more and more dangerous, because they have more and more power and less and less intelligence.
Once a politician is in power, they become a totalitarian, they become dictatorial.
They talk about democracy, but behind the democracy is dictatorship.
It is always so.
When the politician is not in power he is democratic, when he is in power all democracy disappears.
Look at the world, look what these criminal politicians have done to it.
In three thousand years, over five thousand wars, it seems as if we are here only to fight, only to destroy each other.
This rotten society has to be destroyed completely, only then can a new society be created.
Renovation is not going to help.
We have been renovating the same old ruins for centuries.
No more props, no more renovations, no more whitewash!
All that is needed is to demolish it, and let us create a new society.
If the world wants to be at peace, politicians should disappear entirely from this planet.
They are the enemies of humanity.
Humanity has to be freed from their chains and their presence.
A totally new kind of awareness is needed in the world.
A fire in which the whole political game is finished.
A few authentic enlightened people have to bring this fire to every heart.
And with the political game finished, the politician will disappear.
We just need a few authentic intelligent people, not priests, not professionals but people who have experienced consciousness itself.
They will become burning torches in the darkness of the night.
They will not become politicians, but they can destroy the whole political structure of the world, and that’s what is needed.
They will not be interested in politics, but they will certainly be interested in the humanity that the politicians have been exploiting for centuries.
They will not take power in their hands, they will simply destroy these parasites and let the power be with everybody.
In fact, power should be distributed to everybody.
It should be decentralized, there is no need for power to be centralized.
Centralized, power is bound to corrupt.
With power decentralized, everybody is powerful in their own way.
So what is the need of having politicians?

Top Planner
Top Planner
 Jun 12, 2021 4:05 AM

 Reply to  @lienChrist

I agree with much of what you say here, but destroying everything is also not the appropriate solution. Taking down the corruption in the power structure is step one, but step two is reviving the goodness and healthy values that were the impetus for prosperity, harmony, and opportunity for all to enjoy civil, autonomous, sacred, self-determined, and sovereign lives.

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
 Jun 11, 2021 11:42 PM

That’s right. They’re saying “We can do this (to you)”, declaring that the world is indeed under corporate rule, as you have seen by the lockdown.

But of course it’s all for the good. They’re the responsible ones, the caretakers of our planet. Witness how the media has always covered the “Summits” at Davos and other places, with unvarying reverence.

 Jun 12, 2021 3:41 AM

 Reply to  Reachable Spike

It has been the biggest irony since time began that humans see themselves as caretakers of this planet. Talk about the fox guarding the hen house!

Big B
Big B
 Jun 11, 2021 11:19 PM

Contra the ideal of keeping the economy open for business indefinitely, Mazzucato’s proposal seems the lesser of two evil’s. Of course, it was always going to have been better if the public actually got educated and formed their own equitable strategy for permanent economic lockdown, rather than have the billionaire ‘climate lockdown’ version enforced on them. The finity of the planet’s biocapacity and its thermodynamic constraints on growth were always going to lockdown civilisation for good. Sooner rather than later. It was only ever a question of who had the better endgame.

Vaclav Smil called it “kindergarten biology”: the lack of basic understanding that allows people to think the economy can expand exponentially, forever, toward a “bad infinity” of imaginability. Or intense gullibility. It cannot. Smil provided 600 pages of calculations to prove his point. There are no perpetuum mobiles, nothing grows forever ….apart from the libertarian ego.

A transition to a solar economy is a one way trip taking 60-70 years. If there was a scrap of morality in the liberal western mind: 40 years ago would have been a good time to transition. We may have avoided the current ignominy and mortification. Egalitarianism next time, maybe?

Absent a massive public volte face embracing degrowth, the current libertarian power knowledge structures have the upper hand. A hand they have been handed, so to speak, by the lack of even ‘kindergarten biology.’

All growth in nature is constrained by environmental interaction. When an animal matures, it stops growing. When a bacterial colony expands exponentially, it is constrained and does so only as long as the nutritive base allows. Infinite growth requires a greater than infinite substratum. Nothing expands beyond its environmental limitations, biospheric constraint dynamics, and metastable climax status, There are no perpetuum mobiles, nothing grows forever ….apart from the libertarian ego.

Michael Hudson has spent his career showing that debts compound constantly and exponentially, heading toward singularity (mathematical bad infinity.) Whilst economies are constrained to grow following a more modest S-shaped (sigmoid) distribution, plateauing around a mean. Whilst debts can only perpetuate eventuating inevitable economic collapse. Biologically, mathematically, economically: nothing grows forever ….apart from the libertarian ego.

Possibly the least limiting factor is actually population dynamics, the billionaires favourite dogwhistle and ‘malthusian’ limiting factor. But it is overaccumulation, overfinancialisation, and most of all, libertarian overconsumption that is degrading the environment and threatening lockdown. By the 10% of global population in the High Income Imperial Core of already overdeveloped countries.

It would be nice if they, who are in fact we, volunteered for simplicity, an overall reduction in linear mass material source to sink flows of primary materials, extracted from the Global South, by the enslaved labour of the Global South ….who do 80% of the manual labour for 5% of the remuneration of their own ‘surplus life-value’ [Hickel]. In what has been called the Great Divergence [Pomeranz], or “Tripartheid Divide” imposed by the libertarian morality of Northern parasitoid supervening upon Southern hosts.

It has always been this way as a consequence of the Industrial Revolution fueled by fossil fuels, enslavement, and extrapolation of plentiful resources to fuel the liberal ego-econometrics of bad infinity. Always at someone else’s cost, someone else’s extracted lifestyle. Nothing grows forever ….apart from the libertarian ego.

So they, who are really we, need to be shut down permanently. And if it is not agreed to do it equitably: liberal capital will enforce it genocidally and through slavery ….as it always has. Possibly even in the HIIC itself, whose standards of living stand to be autocatalysed. The foreseeing of which would have been one good reason to shut down the Industrial Economy before it poisoned every square centimetre of the planet surface and left the biggest uncounted bodypile in history in its current debt colonies and neo-European ‘liberal multicultural’ exponential tax farms. Morality: not liberalism’s strong suit. Itself for itself: maximising hedonic utility through privatised properties exhorted from beneath.

Absent morals and ignorant of how the world really works: or the Three Worlds supporting the ego-econometric liberal lifestyle about to be shut down. To save itself. An act of self-preservation for the perpetuum mobile plantations across the Tripartheid Divide.

Nothing short of a mass embrace of North/South solidarity demanding permanent degrowth to truly sustainable levels, around half the size of the current overconsumptive libertarian individual ego economy, will prevent a more or less permanent succession of ‘climate lockdowns’ enforcing the current libertarian capitalist inequity, slavery, and forced pauperisation centrically and locally; to keep the economy open for business as usual of extreme domination of the western liberal mindset. Resting upon foundations of slavery, racialisation, degradation, and dehumanisation, as it always has. As our subalterned brothers and sisters have been trying to tell us through the mediums of music, song, and dance. Because no liberals could ever hear a word they say.

In fact, absent the ‘climate’, the risk from exponentiate debt, resource depletion, mass co-extinction ….morality would be the imperative, necessary, and principle of sufficient reason to close down the economy permanently. Absent that, it will be closed down anyway. With more or less the rational-historical power structures in place. The real immiseration will be in the South; just as it always has been.

Of course, Mazzucato’s proposal is to save the old bourgeois hierarchies, the lifestyle’s of the HIICs. The people really under threat are not just those who became addicted to a lifestyle the Earth could never afford for long: it is the people whose future the North has no compunction in consuming day by day. Without a thought or care, we are living the world’s future now. If nothing else, that could change through elementary pedagogy of how the world really worked.

Nothing but permanent economic lockdown, a phased reduction in mass material flows, and equitable distribution, taking into account the principles of ecological debt – that means the South gets a greater distribution, northern reduction necessitates redistribution targeting the underprivileged, ethnic minorities etc. With an eventual equilibriation around zero growth, proportionate production, focus on communities of self-actualisation and self-fulfilment and pluralistic ethicalities, better lives for all for less; inclusive of biodiversities ….or perpetual ‘climate lockdowns’ preserving the old hierarchical privileges.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
 Jun 12, 2021 1:10 AM

 Reply to  Big B

Hello Big B: Beautifully stated. Right on target. Bravo!

 Jun 11, 2021 11:13 PM

Don’t you just love the Extinction Rebellion protest today on St Ives beach – just a stone’s throw away from the G7 nonsense.

Real protestors are only allowed to assemble in Plymouth, which is more than one hundred miles away.

By the way, Loved that G7 group shot today, and behind the psychos were grey, brooding, stormy clouds.

You couldn’t make it up!

John the First
John the First
 Jun 11, 2021 9:58 PM

The question, really, is why would an NGO backed by – among others – Shell, BP and Chevron, possibly want to suggest a ban on drilling for fossil fuel? But that’s a discussion for another time.

The agenda itself which legitimates control and overall changes is the goal. It is about enforcing the scenario of danger, but dinner will not be eaten as hot as it is served. They need to be in on it, else they will among the losers on the long run. They probably have many investments in the game,they need time though, meanwhile they are walking on two different legs, one half developed.They cannot risk to be passed by by others though.

 Jun 11, 2021 9:49 PM

The great pandemic came when Fridays for Future failed to live up to its promises.

John Pretty
John Pretty
 Jun 11, 2021 9:25 PM

Except, of course, the Great Reset is just a wild “conspiracy theory”.

Hmm. I think it’s interesting that so many who believe that Covid and Climate Change have been deliberately manufactured to install the so-called “Great Reset” so often resist criticism of their idea by referring to it as a “conspiracy theory”.

I don’t think it’s a “conspiracy theory”. I just think it’s wrong.

You are entitled to your beliefs. And I am entitled to disagree with them.

I do agree that we have been subjected to wilful psychological manipulation in order to get us to comply with these Covid restrictions. And that this represents a crime which should see leaders in prison.

I do also agree that many of these people love to fawn on Bill Gates. And that the awful man has been a pernicious influence. And they love to copy each other’s pathetic “Build Back Better” bollocks.

But do I believe that this is all being done for the sake of a “Great Reset”?

No, I don’t. And I never will.

Respect that, and maybe I can respect your beliefs too.

 Jun 11, 2021 10:14 PM

 Reply to  John Pretty

Follow the money. Currrencies are being deliberately devalued by printing trillions out of thin air.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
 Jun 11, 2021 11:13 PM

 Reply to  John Pretty

You make a fair point John and I respect that. From your perspective why don’t you think this is leading towards the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Why the massive amount of fear mongering and psychological warfare then? What is this actually about? Thanks.

 Jun 11, 2021 8:47 PM

That bizarre XR protest in Cornwall reminded me of those bird-like costumes that were supposedly worn during the Black Death. There’s something esoteric going on there.

The picture headlining the article obviously references The Beatles’ ‘All You Need is Love’. The structure of that song is based on ‘Three Blind Mice’ which is, I think, saying something about how the social controllers viewed the song.

 Jun 11, 2021 8:42 PM

“Whatever it says, it clearly has the approval of the people who ruin the world.”

There, fixed a typo for Kit.

 Jun 11, 2021 8:23 PM

“COVID-19 is itself a consequence of environmental degradation.”

It certainly is: It’s a consequence of our allowing our environment to be controlled by the less-than-1%. The solution is to de-centralize wealth and the media and production and agriculture and politics and banking and mining and decision-making and everything else you can think of.

Having our environment degraded and controlled by them CANNOT become freedom.

 Jun 11, 2021 10:22 PM

 Reply to  Penelope

Well said

 Jun 11, 2021 8:01 PM

I do really like the original articles written by Kit Knightly and Catte Black..

I don’t know who these people are. I just like what They write

Thank You,


Sam - Admin2
Sam – Admin2
 Jun 11, 2021 9:12 PM

 Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Why did you write ‘They’ with a capital? A2

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
 Jun 11, 2021 9:56 PM

 Reply to  Sam – Admin2

No doubt to indicate to newcomers to the site that – like so many other of the other delusional conspiracy theorists gathered here – he’s mentally challenged/senile.

But why even ask such questions? His acting in bad faith here has been evident for ages. Why did you never ask Jacques why he peppered every paragraph with a dozen f-words?

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
 Jun 11, 2021 10:37 PM

You may also wish to ask a fairly new arrival here – possibly a friend of Tony’s? – why they have the have the punctuation skills of a three year old. (Not that that would reflect on the offG readership in any way…)

 Jun 12, 2021 3:48 AM

From the comments, I get the impression many readers use their cell phones to type and post their comments. To me, that would be like attempting brain surgery wearing mittens.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
 Jun 12, 2021 7:29 AM

 Reply to  Howard

I do not use a personal tracking device myself, so I hadn’t considered that possibility. Some people asked me to take their picture with their idiotphone the other day. I had to ask what button to push!

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
 Jun 12, 2021 9:28 AM

 Reply to  Sam – Admin2

Tony had a baddish bout of CAPitis a while back. Occasional relapses still. ????
 Jun 11, 2021 7:54 PM

“Is a “Climate Lockdown” on the horizon?” Of course, no question. The same psychopaths who created and control the climate sect created and control the corona sect. It’s the two sides of the same coin and they want to completely destroy the foremost white, western, christian countries governed by professional criminals. You cannot understand the threat if you don’t know that both, anthropogenic climate warming and corona are just fictions to enable things otherwise impossible (Hegelian dialectic).

“Corona-Terror: We are only at the very beginning!” – (use translate option if necessary)

 Jun 11, 2021 7:51 PM

How will Amazon survive!! Will Gates and other billionaires, who seems to think they know what is best for the world; give up the same privileges as everyone else? Just how committed are they to climate change? I’d ask if the public will sit idly by while the rich maintain their privileges and freedoms but I think the last year and a half has answered that question.

George Mc
George Mc
 Jun 11, 2021 7:21 PM

Oh dear, Van’s blown it now!

“Sir Van Morrison: Ian Paisley defends joining anti-Swann chant

DUP MP Ian Paisley has defended joining Sir Van Morrison in chanting that Northern Ireland’s Health Minister Robin Swann “is very dangerous” at a cancelled concert in Belfast.”

It turns out that Van was getting back at Swann for calling Van dangerous. Still, that was too much for UUP leader Doug Beattie:

“Having watched the video of Ian Paisley and Van Morrisons antics on the stage of the Europa Hotel in Belfast, I am absolutely disgusted by what I saw," Mr Beattie said.
"They should be ashamed of themselves. Two grown men who should know better, engaging in a very personal attack on Northern Ireland
s health minister.”
The UUP leader added that Mr Swann “has worked tirelessly during the Covid-19 pandemic to save lives” and said it was “appalling” to watch him being denigrated.”

Quick! Rally round St Robin! And protect The Cliche Machine, working tirelessly to save lives!

 Jun 11, 2021 7:07 PM

Entering a cooling period for 40 years. Grand solar minimum. The sun (and oceans) determines climate not CO2 ,which is only 0.04% of the atmosphere. The trees and plants need CO2 and convert it into oxygen for mammals (photosynthesis) . Did these idiots learn nothing at school ? Climate affects CO2 not the other way around.


 Jun 11, 2021 8:25 PM

 Reply to  geoff

geoff, you are not looking at ignorance; it’s a conscious, paid-for hoax to forward tyranny.

John Pretty
John Pretty
 Jun 11, 2021 9:10 PM

 Reply to  Penelope

In your opinion. Not in mine.

John Pretty
John Pretty
 Jun 11, 2021 9:11 PM

 Reply to  John Pretty

I agree it’s tyrranical. But I don’t do paranoia.

 Jun 11, 2021 10:16 PM

 Reply to  Penelope

by the NWO yes but I was referring to the ignorant foot soldiers

 Jun 11, 2021 7:01 PM

The global administrative elite, here the World Business Council for Sustainable Development posts ideas obsessed with LOCKDOWN of the 99%. But their 1% which has had 60 years to make even one good policy decision is not held accountable. But real fixes, like taxing the rich, Public Banking, limits to wealth and poverty, regional self-sufficiency, banning all colonial empire building, and finding ways to encourage voluntary population attrition over 3 generations through limits to poverty and wealth, is not anywhere in advocacies like Mariana Mazzucato.

Let’s be honest. No where in anything the existing system of 1% capital control produces, like Ted Talks like hers, will we ever hear solutions like above that are the only solutions to create an adult collective society from this rat ass 1% parental tyrant society in the 21st C.

 Jun 11, 2021 8:34 PM

 Reply to  Sandy

Sandy, we already have conscious, voluntary population attrition.: population is falling. Empty Planet: Preparing for the Global Population Decline VIDEO

UN says 2100 will see 11 Billion; they’re wrong.
36% of pop is in China & India. China replacem is only 1.5/woman. India it’s 2.1 (that’s replacement.)

Because populations everywhere becoming more urban, people want fewer kids, they’re a cost, not helpers on the farm.
Also, women are more autonomous. Mid-century will take us to 8-9B, then will decline.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
 Jun 11, 2021 6:44 PM

Stop wanting to emulate the wealthy!
Wear out the shit you already have.
Sell your car; walk, bike, bus, skateboard.
Leave your mobile at home.
No online purchases.
Change behaviour before changing the technology.
If technology is causing you to change behaviour to appease it: drop it!
Exercise democracy without supporting political parties.
Plant a veggie garden, nurture fruit and nut trees.
Only purchase anything from a truly local business.

Please add…

 Jun 11, 2021 8:53 PM

 Reply to  Ernest Judd

Add goats, they turn rough pasture into milk and meat while you practice the bagpipes. Then add chickens, they’ll turn the leftover milk and bugs from your muck heap into eggs. Veggies are too much like hard work. Buy an air gun and shoot the local toff’s pheasants while he’s at davos.

 Jun 11, 2021 11:39 PM

 Reply to  Charlie

that’s right Charlie, stuff your face at the expense of life and posterity, never invest your soul in the muck and glaur, just keep stuffing that gub to the extinction of almost everything. FKN goats: goats are desert sheep, they create deserts, wet/dry whatever. GOATS!!??? learn it from the soil and water and plants up, not greasy fat lip down ffs! OG does have a consumer-centric-eco-denial going on, yass.

 Jun 11, 2021 6:36 PM

Wrong way round. It wasn’t governments that decided to abandon lockdowns but the public that increasingly flouted them in such numbers that they collapsed. People power won the day while the far-right and their cronies running the intelligence agencies have been terminally damaged and discredited. Economic collapse of the West, however, is still very likely – we’ll have less but at least we won’t be saddled by right-wing governments and bloated,corrupt intelligence agencies (there won’t be the money to pay for them).

George Mc
George Mc
 Jun 11, 2021 6:57 PM

 Reply to  Thom

It’s easy to fall into despair but that great mass of people who don’t tend to be vocal do indeed make a difference. And e.g. I have heard that the vast majority of the American public reject the lone gunman story re: JFK. The media can scorn “conspiracy nuts” as much as it likes but these vast realms of public opinion operating “below the radar” mark a limit to how much the rulers and their hacks can get away with.

What is the true percentage of the Western public who are at least suspicious about 9/11? And the very stridency with which the media are urging everyone to get vaccinated indicates that a huge number aren’t.

The doctor I visited today can be as nonchalantly blasé over the COVID tale as he wants. I wouldn’t even dream of challenging him. But I’m not buying it and there are huge numbers like me.

For all the smug certainty that the media project, knowing they have an utter monopoly over the COVID tale, there is an underlying fear that they do not in fact have the upper hand. There is a subterranean current sweeping their lies away.

John Pretty
John Pretty
 Jun 11, 2021 9:14 PM

 Reply to  George Mc

You are entitled to your opinions George. And I am entitled to disagree with them.

I do believe that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK. And I do believe the official 9/11 story.

You disagree? That’s fine. I respect that.

Now you – and your fellow believers – respect my view on this.

dr death
dr death
 Jun 11, 2021 10:11 PM

 Reply to  John Pretty

just my view, although it is shared by many ‘john’…

without question ‘respect’ is earned ….

I also realise that for an imbecile like yourself that is going to be very difficult…

George Mc
George Mc
 Jun 11, 2021 10:31 PM

 Reply to  John Pretty

So this “respect” is what you usually reserve for religious issues which are comfortably in the realm of never being capable of proof – and which are so all embracing that they don’t affect the world we live in but only how you behave.

But the issue of JFK and 9/11 completely alters the reality of that world. And the rulers like nothing better than this woolly “Oh gosh – we must all respect how multifarious it all is …” etc.

I’m not falling for that.

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
 Jun 12, 2021 9:03 AM

 Reply to  John Pretty


 Jun 11, 2021 5:54 PM

I’ve never fully embraced the police mindset let alone the military, but someone kindly explain how you do inclusivity and equity in the professional killer business.

These are inherently open-ended concepts. Equity is relative and so can never be satisfied, nor inclusiveness fully complete. So it must extend to the enemy.

Inclusiveness surely means you embrace your enemy. Equity means you give him,her,it,they an advantage… Like telling them in advance which flank you’ll attack.

The only escape from this illogic is to declare the enemy totally arbitrary.

 Jun 11, 2021 6:10 PM

 Reply to  Moneycircus

Like your own people.

 Jun 11, 2021 5:27 PM

Now that the state has the chew-toy of lockdowns, it doesn’t look like anything can force them to relinquish it. The courts and political system are likely too corrupt to fix it either, due to regulatory capture.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
 Jun 11, 2021 5:20 PM

Ah! Another one… almost like cockroaches but worse, because cockroaches are useful!

comment image

 Jun 11, 2021 5:28 PM

 Reply to  Voz 0db

Is the a young global leader/shaper by any coincidence?

 Jun 11, 2021 6:18 PM

 Reply to  Voz 0db

She is a total product of the Neil Ferguson-type compliant academic rolled out to justify policy. UKC pulled her to bits.

She operates as a kind of ventriloquist’s dummy where the bureaucrats ponder whether the Chinese model might be appropriate for Europe, so they engage an academic who works as a specialist on China, who promptly recommends that the Chinese method seems to be the best choice. But she wouldn’t have conflicts of interest at all, at all.

The controlled press declared with one voice that she is a future leader, 40 under 40, blah, blah.

And the grants flow all over again, again. The grants flow all over again.

 Jun 11, 2021 7:15 PM

 Reply to  Moneycircus

Its fgunny.. in germany the authors who wrote the covid policy papers the executice at the beginning of the plandemic consisted of some maoists!!! and some other chinese specialists.

 Jun 11, 2021 8:41 PM

 Reply to  Moneycircus

Isn’t she one of the Keen/Murphy/Pettifor clique?

dr death
dr death
 Jun 11, 2021 10:45 PM

 Reply to  Voz 0db

he looks like he may have large hands..

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
 Jun 11, 2021 5:18 PM

“Is a “Climate Lockdown” on the horizon?”
At first glance, I thought the author was posing a rhetorical question. TPTB already hav signaled that more lockdowns are in our future, owing to the fairly dramatic reduction in CO2 emissions during the worst parts of the lockdowns. You can bank on “them” trying to impose similar measures in the future.

I can’t seem to remember; perhaps someone can remind me. Who voted for these megalomaniacal globalist overlords?

 Jun 11, 2021 5:16 PM

It’s obvious they’re going to do it. Health lockdown ,climate lockdown, how about an emotional lockdown? The only things that definitely won’t be locked down are politicians, the United Nations, militaries, and their owners.

 Jun 12, 2021 9:08 AM

 Reply to  NixonScraypes

The politicians are prancing around in Cornwall right now. No masks or anti-social distancing. No quarantine either, unlike the cattle class.

 Jun 11, 2021 5:14 PM

“Obviously we don’t want to lock you up inside your homes, force you to eat processed soy cubes and take away your cars,” they’re telling us, “but we might have to, if you don’t take our advice.”

Follow their advice or not, that is exactly what their intention is.

Locked down in a “smart city” – smart as in your every appliance is controlled by the government – no personal transport, no travel, no meat just something grown in a lab. – soylent green? That’s if you survive the timbuctoo variant and the vax that accompanies it…

 Jun 11, 2021 4:37 PM

Once they have teh certificate system in place they will be able to exert total control over you. Don’t behave how you want? Your certificate will become invalid and you will be barred from everything. They are building this certificate system right now under the guise of covid-19. Hence tehre will be no need for lockdowns. But they will imprison you and cancle you and maybe starve you if you don’t behave how the totalitarians want you to.

 Jun 11, 2021 4:31 PM

Tony Blair channels pure Rockefeller.

Lock down those who exercise free choice not to compromise their body with experimental gene devilry. Only the shot walk free… for as long as they are able.

Blair is, paradoxically, the Rockefellers’ least compromised conduit, meaning he seems to be more directly dependent upon them, unlike Gates
with his intelligence funding and Microsoft being effectively beholden to Israel etc.

BTW is Blair drinking himself to death? He’s only slightly older than me and his eyes have that ghostly look.

 Jun 11, 2021 4:55 PM

 Reply to  Moneycircus

‘BTW is Blair drinking himself to death? He’s only slightly older than me and his eyes have that ghostly look.’
Nothing to do with drinking. Maybe he is haunted, and hopefully that’s what eventually happens to at least some of those shameless, stinking, lying fuckheads.

 Jun 11, 2021 5:13 PM

 Reply to  Claret

Cancer of the soul.

 Jun 11, 2021 5:27 PM

 Reply to  Paul_too

Yes, maybe the tiny,itsy bit of soul he might have left is haunting him. Boris looks a bit worried as well. I recall that when Thatcher kicked it, ‘Ding Dong The Witch is Dead’ went to number one in the UK. ????

 Jun 12, 2021 9:09 AM

 Reply to  Paul_too

Makes me think of Gollum in Lord of the Rings.

 Jun 11, 2021 5:28 PM

 Reply to  Moneycircus

Is this the same Blair that most normal people wanted to lynch for crimes against humanity a couple of decades ago? But now he has been resurrected as the pro vaccine, pro lockdown, environmentally friendly messiah that many sheep will follow, either people have short memories or are they just brain washed?

 Jun 11, 2021 6:10 PM

 Reply to  Moneycircus

Blair’s formally assigned to the Rothschilds fyi

 Jun 11, 2021 7:06 PM

 Reply to  Moneycircus

It’s looks quite possible to me that Blair is possessed and badly In need of an exorcism.

 Jun 11, 2021 8:02 PM

 Reply to  Moneycircus

As a lifelong JRR Tolkien devotee, I suspect that Blair’s decades of powermongering, exacerbated by his stint as a possessor of a political Ring of Power, has turned him into a malignant wraith, one of Tolkien’s Nazgûl.

I’m a bit surprised that “Wraith” didn’t point this out in their reply to this comment. ????

 Jun 11, 2021 8:47 PM

 Reply to  Moneycircus

“Demon Eyes”. That Conservative poster was perceptive.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
 Jun 11, 2021 4:25 PM

People are starting to say the virus is not real: OK, lets say it is man-made.
People are starting to say we never went to the moon: So lets say we are going back.
People are starting to say global warming is fake, OK lets set a few million acres of Australian/Californian forest on fire.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
 Jun 11, 2021 4:20 PM

Just days into this Covid operation, Macron declared this to be a ‘War on Corona’, that was the starting pistol, informing the USA’s allies that this was yet another major imperial operation, and that all US allies needed to fall in line.

It used the same tools as the War on Carbon; corrupted scientist, rigged polls and rigged measurements (PCR tests), providing cover for a very small cohort of traitor or compromised politicians.
Like all the other Psyops it is a very lean operation with the media doing most of the heavy lifting.
It is another ‘War on…….’ operation, like the War on Carbon, on Terror, on Drugs, on Communism, that are ALWAYS further US interests, and those elites around the world who sign up to the US corporate neo-liberal franchise. The franchise fee being their peoples sovereignty and wealth.

The Covid operation has accelerated the shift to US tech internet services, and more Importantly dependency on them, perhaps by 10 years. The noose of Empire is tightening around the neck of those foolish enough to be captured by it. just as the USA’s crumbling foundations are being washed away.

The timing, the radical nature of the Covid project, coming just as the US banking system is on the verge of collapse, and as their military is exposed as weak in the face of Russian & Chinese growth, reveals the true intent of the project.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
 Jun 11, 2021 9:47 PM

 Reply to  Paul Rexton

RE: US empire
It seems to me that the “globalists” are among the same lot that put forth the US military policy of “Full Spectrum Dominance” about 20 years ago. Here’s a quote from a Counterpunch article published in 2019:

“Back in 1997, the now-re-established US Space Command announced its commitment to “full spectrum dominance.” The Vision for 2020 explains that “full spectrum dominance” means military control over land, sea, air, and space (the so-called fourth dimension of warfare) “to protect US interests and investment.” “Protect” means guarantee operational freedom. “US interest and investment” means corporate profits.”

Note the date – just a coincidence I’m sure.


Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
 Jun 11, 2021 4:16 PM

Covid worked on the same principal as the The global warming scam; Global warming weaponised the weather & Covid weaponised the flu. In both cases only a few needy gatekeeper scientists were needed, no doubt with Epstein videos in the CIA’s vast library.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
 Jun 11, 2021 4:09 PM

The real left needs to wake up and smell the coffee, they are no longer being attacked with lies from the right & the neo-liberals, which they can easily disprove, this time around they are being destroyed by the truth, about the COVID scam and about global warming scam, and rightly ridiculed the absurdist pursuit of extremist sexual and racial agendas.

The far-right are using the truth to destroy them, and that is fatal, as the left are painting themselves into a corner on a sea of lies about Covid and global warming.

I believe Those lies are being supplied to them by the very same forces that want the Corporate neo-liberal tyranny to take hold of all our lives.

There is an economic time bomb about to go off, and the mega media are trying to shackled the responsibility for it to the leg of the left, not the right, who created & who fanned this impending disaster, whilst in power. The left is being powerfully assassinated and it needs to wake up.

 Jun 11, 2021 5:32 PM

 Reply to  Paul Rexton

100% agree. What I think happened is the Occupy Movement of 2011 gave the establishment a mortal terror. Knowing the people were uniting across all party lines and there really was nothing to quell their anger, as the elites and the system its cause, they played another con on the people.

Instead to trying to placate the masses, they gave them something else to get mad about: each other. Enter Identity Politics. It set everyone against everyone along the lines of race, gender, and all other identity-based tribalism and so on.

Now with everyone at each other’s throats, they can continue to rob everyone blind and tighten the iron fist of corporate fascism on the people from above.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
 Jun 11, 2021 9:51 PM

 Reply to  Paul Rexton

Great comment! You have to admire the scam, it is superbly crafted and almost elegant in its deviousness.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
 Jun 11, 2021 4:04 PM

if the “powers that be” actually wished to limit atmospheric heating, they would lock down all military exercises and put an end to all forms of civil aviation. This of course, will never happen.

The “powers that be” are fed from the corporate holdings of companies such as Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and other military contractors such as General Dynamics. The “powers” also swill from the coffers of Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, Chevron, Exon, and hundreds of subsidiary companies.

The price of all this adventure is a climate system that will eventually terminate all life on the planet. Let’s just ignore the obvious, and continue to prey… New readers should take a long look at the list of “clients” on this page. >

From the pages of Weather Modification Inc. >

Worldwide Success [???]

The proven success of Weather Modification, Inc., in atmospheric and weather operations is evident by our lengthy and impressive client listing speaks for itself. Our reputation for successful cloud seeding and meteorological services leads our veteran pilots, experienced meteorologists and radar engineers around the world. Our valued clients include private and public insurance companies, water resource management organizations, as well as federal and state government research organizations.
Complete text:

These are not small scale operations, and they will continue to alter the climate until the very end of the industrial rope is reached…

 Jun 11, 2021 4:27 PM

 Reply to  Paul Vonharnish

They should also stop bombing, invading and waging war.

So far, weather mod. has not helped USA itself. It has suffered the worst repeated disasters.

 Jun 11, 2021 5:50 PM

 Reply to  mgeo

The people who own America have got everything they wanted from it, they’ve already set up China to take care of the dirty work. Just like they set up America before they moved their operation from Britain. Their trail leads across millennia, the relics of their symbols and system litter the world

 Jun 11, 2021 4:03 PM

Two masked men meet ‘face-to-face’.
Two white men share a book on race
A breath-denier is a ‘breath of fresh air’
Coron-ish Patsies [sic] or just debonair?

 Jun 11, 2021 4:02 PM

I hope readers will not get upset if I express some thoughts which have nothing to do with the above article.

I fully understand the anger that all are feeling, but I have been more and more preoccupied by the violence of the words used, by also the violence I have witnessed in real life. These events by their extreme form are giving us an unprecedented opportunity to rise above the spiral of violence and to fulfill to an extent never achieved so far our full humanity, both at an individual and collective level. For this, should we not cease constant talks of us and them, which only perpetuate and worsen mutual hatreds? For who are they? Who are us?

This past week I have written to some against the narrative whose violence I have witnessed, I have also written to some who are passively or actively within the narrative. And I have been awed and overwhelmed by the warmth of the response, even from a VP of a branch of one of the most destructive (in my opinion) transnational corporates, even from those who
have behaved disgracefully. In fact I have been taken by surprised, I did not expect, nor did I know, any of those I wrote to could be so profoundly considerate, in one word so profoundly human. It seems as though they were waiting to have the possibility to express themselves, to rid themselves for some of the guilt of their behaviour, and for others of some desperate human need to connect with others. The current situation through its extreme inhumanity, is bringing out in a fringe on both sides the worst of humanity, but it is also bringing out, in others, whatever may be their position regarding the situation, or for that matter other questions, the very best.

By feeding hatred, by behaving violently or using violent words, we are only hurting ourselves: individually, it is pushing us towards the darker forces within us. For the whole gamut of human emotions and feelings is within each one of us. It is undermining the fight against tyrannical policies. For we have then already lost if we have let the violence of the tyranny enter our own souls.

So let us cease to talk of us and them, and instead talk of doctrines. It will also make our thinking and actions sharper and to the point. Hatred clouds the mind. To be sharp, to be effective, we have to remain clear-headed, not let our emotions take over. To bring those who are, without realising the consequences of their actions and the ins and outs of the narrative, participating in the establishment and perpetuation of inhuman measures, become conscious of what they are doing, it is not through hating them that we will achieve anything. And many are far more honourable, far more dignified and decent human beings than most, including among those fighting the narrative. This does not mean becoming imprudent: there are enraged elephants on both sides, and this does not mean staying on their path and be trampled. Non-violent action, intelligent action does not consist in ignoring danger, on the contrary. But never to act with hatred, never to act against particular individuals.

In short let us not waste this undreamed of opportunity to unite around our common humanity.

 Jun 11, 2021 6:01 PM

 Reply to  Annette

I’ve told you not to talk to that Tony Blair. That rattle snake could charm the birds out of the trees and they’d sing for him as he ate them.

 Jun 11, 2021 7:48 PM

 Reply to  NixonScraypes

No one has charmed me. But there is no us and them. We have to tear down the doctrine, the thinking, that is making this possible. Anyhow it will continue without Blair, next will come Glair. So then people will hold their fist against Glair. After that will come Flair… Isnt it oneself one hurts most, by thinking in these terms?

And anyone, whatever their actions or thoughts may be, whoever has given way to the darkness in them, for whatever reason, should be more pitied than those who die standing up with their human dignity intact.

And all of us, we are to lesser or greater degree lost souls on this one planet, we none of us know where we have come from, nor where we are going, we may have beliefs and faiths, but we cannot know…
What is all this life about? We should be holding our hand out to help one other, not to go after one other.

For after all, this world is what we perceive it to be. If you perceive it as us and them, you’ll get us and them, to the point that one day, you will no longer know who us and them is, and even begin to hit the memory of those who gave their lives for humanity, if you think of it in terms of one humanity, and decide to not utter a single negative thought, then you’ll get a beautiful world,
and the world will give you back the inclusive love you have felt. In the end, we get back what we sow…

About faith, I read a lovely line the other day: “Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark” (Rabindranath Thahur (Tagore)).

 Jun 11, 2021 8:10 PM

 Reply to  NixonScraypes

To add: in the end NixonScraypes you have to feel it in you, you have to experience this feeling of unity. Anything I or anyone can say will not change an iota if someone is determined not to see the light of day. But for our own sakes, holding on to the darkness in ourselves, harms only ourselves. We may delight at hitting others, at insulting them, at thinking, havent I been great, Ive spoilt their lives/their day, whatever. But as Fromm says, only those who cannot be constructive are destructive, for we all have to leave an imprint on life, on some people, if that is not possible, at least on the rest of nature. Its a profoundly human need. So when one cannot be constructive, one has the urge to destroy.
But what we should realise is that we are foremost destroying ourselves, not others. We are our own victims.

As for the poison of those determined to destroy, its for us to ensure it does not enter our souls. If we dont let it enter, the destroyer has lost, it may even possibly change him/her (we all have the possibility at each instant to change, however sinful we may have been), if we let the poison enter our soul and we return blow for blow, we are lost, (s)he has won, or rather that destructiveness has won…

 Jun 11, 2021 9:17 PM

 Reply to  Annette

I get rather downhearted at the negativity that often emanates from what I suppose to be the positive side but I think it’s often just words uttered in haste. There is evil in this world and I’m not sure that it’s a good idea to ignore it. I sometimes entertain the idea that it’s proponents are not fully human, that there is some other within them- even some sort of A.I. or they are possessed by another being. There is of course the psychopath who I imagine to be a body without a human soul who can masquerade as anyone he wants to in order to satisfy his desires. On the whole I agree with most of the things you say in all your comments, you seem a gentle admirable soul to me. I find humour the best antidote to the poison you mention- thus my first reply.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
 Jun 12, 2021 12:10 AM

 Reply to  Annette

Just taking note of your comments here Annette as well as the replies from Nixon also. You’re right, there is so much divisiveness now and hardened attitudes on both sides, and yes, I’ll admit, I’ve been guilty of that many times myself – out of intense frustration at where this agenda is going and why so many are complying with the covid measures and I’ll admit that these thoughts are emanating from my Own fear and anger at what is going on, and with my own fairly precarious situation.
I own that.
Yes, it’s really positive to be out meeting other covid sceptics who already know the truth of what is going on. But they already know, and are “safe” to talk to. There’s no real danger of confrontation.
Anger and demonising and finger pointing is not going to open anyone’s eyes. It will just harden their position on this. I hear what you say about letting the poison enter our soul and thus we return blow for blow.
I do believe we are spiritual beings.
Hope your weekend goes well…

 Jun 11, 2021 9:27 PM

 Reply to  Annette

“For the whole gamut of human emotions and feelings is within each one of us.”

The moderators will welcome this call for moderation.

By coincidence, I read a quote from Solzhenitsyn yesterday about everyone being a mixture of good and evil in different proportions.

“Whatsume’er the failings on his part,
Remember, reader, he were that good in’s heart”.
— Dickens, Great Expectations

On the other hand, Randall Jarrel protested against this Readers Digest morality: “I have known people who were bad all the way down the front and straight up the other side”. Jarrell, whom I consider the best U$ poet of the WW2 generation, fell into depression and committed suicide under the influence of an antidepressant drug. Antipathy leading to self destruction?

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
 Jun 12, 2021 3:09 AM

 Reply to  Annette

Annette, talking about “us and them” is just our human way to “social-distance” from a bunch of maniacs and criminals; to put millions of miles between them and us, so that we inform ourselves and others, for our sanity’s sake, that we don’t have anything to do with them.

I do agree with you that we’ve had just about enough talking and reporting the million angles this nightmare has got, and start looking at the problem directly in the eye, not at this detail or that detail, but at the whole picture: we have first to understand the problem if we want to solve it, if a solution is at all possible; but that will put us inexorably in front of our crushing responsibility towards the future generations, and of the crucifying task of building a collective consciousness almost from scratch, in a situation where a few, centuries-old, organisations, control the billions of atomized individuals.

A crushing responsibility and a crucifying task we try to avoid by entertaining an unconfessed hope that the criminals will get back to their sensees, or that somebody else will do the dirty work for us.

 Jun 11, 2021 3:38 PM

The next time someone spouts off the Climate, just ask Greta

Why she doesn’t make the UN and ICC do its job and put the war mongers in Jail.

There you go, consider climate issue on the way to be tackled. Unless of course Greta believes that our reduction in meat, oil use should happen so that the war machine can continue.

 Jun 11, 2021 4:00 PM

 Reply to  TFS

Funny how Greta has become the newer, smaller, if less articulate and hypocritical Al Gore – the Alt-Right’s new green boogeyman.

To my knowledge, neither Gore nor Greta has ever said a peep about geoengineering. Therefore, they have no more right to speak for the climate than Elmer Fudd.

 Jun 11, 2021 5:11 PM

 Reply to  Howard

‘Therefore, they have no more right to speak for the climate than Elmer Fudd.’
Well at least we’ve got fake genius Elon Musk who claims to have wecyclable,gween wocket technology. Look at them all – Musk, Gates, Bezos, Zuckenberg etc. – they are all arrogant, obnoxious, soulless, fckin weirdos following a script. It’s all a big fat TV surreality soap series.

 Jun 12, 2021 8:34 AM

 Reply to  Howard

I agree.

To look foward, people should first look back, and in the case of Al Gore take notice of whether he swallowed his own cool aid or merely one of those ‘do as I say, not do as I do’.

He’s probably suffering from that all to common Affluentza bug as well.

 Jun 11, 2021 5:57 PM

 Reply to  TFS

How dare you!

 Jun 11, 2021 10:32 PM

 Reply to  rubberheid

I dared. What’s your beef?

 Jun 11, 2021 3:36 PM

It’s a quaint belief some have that the Nuremburg Codes were meant to protect us. The US government was breaking them with impunity at the very moment it was bringing them in.

According to Eileen Welsome in ‘The Plutonium Files’, “between April of 1945 and continuing through July of 1947, 18 men, women and even children, scattered in quiet hospital wards across the country, were injected with plutonium”. Further research revealed “thousands of human radiation studies had been conducted during the Cold War. Almost without exception the subjects were the poor, the powerless and the sick… “. There was no ‘informed consent’ and good luck finding anyone who ordered or ran these studies suffering any consequences. Their modern equivalents are the people we’re supposed to believe care about our welfare so much.

The Nuremburg Codes were meant to advertise the evils of Nazism, not provide a means by which “rules-based” nations could be held to account.

BTW it’s worth adding that there is no safe dose of radiation. Dr. John Gofman (PhD in nuclear chemistry, qualified doctor and once part of the Manhattan Project) wrote in 1990, “the safe-dose hypothesis is not merely implausible – it is disproven”. The NAS wrote in 2006, “there is no threshold of exposure below which low levels of ionising radiation can be demonstrated to be harmless or beneficial”. However, despite this, the WHO spoke in 2016 of “the beneficial applications” of radiation in medicine and cited worldwide figures of 3600m radiological examinations, 37m nuclear medicine procedures and 7.5m radiotherapy treatments. The “safe dose” approach to poisons is so entrenched in allopathic medicine they continue with it even when their own writings disprove it. All it ever means is that a dose is low enough that the body doesn’t show immediate adverse symptoms.

 Jun 11, 2021 4:08 PM

 Reply to  Edwige

I believe this “safe dose” is 100 rads per year. Then – bingo! – it goes away and the clock starts ticking all over again.

Even concerning something as deadly as radiation, Upton Sinclair’s famous dictum applies: “It’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

 Jun 11, 2021 9:35 PM

 Reply to  Howard

“I believe this “safe dose” is 100 rads per year. Then – bingo! – it goes away and the clock starts ticking all over again.”

You mean cells being able to repair small amounts of radiation damage to their DNA?

 Jun 11, 2021 5:08 PM

 Reply to  Edwige

I wondered in the previous thread why the Allies chose to make Nuremberg about medicine — given that Germany’s eugenics program was inherited from the U.S., Canada and England who provided the research, the funding and in the case of Mengele, the personnel.

It was funded by Macy, Kellogg and Rockefeller and inspired by the Cold Spring Harbor and Tavistock.

Moreover, the Allies fully intended to continue the Nazi’s research. The OSS-CIA hired many of the most schlock-horror scientists. The only explanation I can summon: they knew it was bloody evil so they took the opportunity to blame it on the Germans.

Yet that’s not an adequate explanation. F. Galton worshipped eugenics. J. Huxley thought it the highest branch of science. Why didn’t they ignore or cover up what the Nazis did on the laboratory bench and hang them for something else?

Why let eugenics be thus defiled?

Eugenics was the Anglo religion. It seems it remains so.

George Mc
George Mc
 Jun 11, 2021 3:32 PM

Interesting info from … oh some music rag:

“Van Morrison will play two Valentine’s week shows in Clearwater
Just know that you’ll most likely experience an anti-COVID rant.”

You’ll note the word “Valentine” there. Yup, the shows are booked for February next year. (Well I assume it’s next year. It may be February 2025!) So it’s interesting that some folks are clearly expecting COVID to last and last.

But anyway, on the topic of Van’s impending performance, it may not be unrealistic to expect some hecklers … perhaps with certain connections?

 Jun 11, 2021 5:29 PM

 Reply to  George Mc

Edinburgh Festival has been cancelled. My wife and I want to got to a small festival in a few weeks time, where we have been several times before…but the venue is in doors. I have made it completely clear that I will not wear a mask, and I will not have a test, unless it involves spitting on it.

I have never sniffed anything up my nose, and I certainly do no not want a cutton bud, with god knows what chemical on the end of it, stuffed up my nose, very close to my brain.

Hawkfest and many others should be on though.

Just turn up and don’t tell ’em


Sam - Admin2
Sam – Admin2
 Jun 11, 2021 6:21 PM

 Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Has Ed fringe been cancelled? Which part of the festival? I can’t see anything about that on their site. A2

 Jun 11, 2021 8:11 PM

 Reply to  Sam – Admin2

It will still be on, but not as big as normal.

 Jun 11, 2021 3:05 PM

Well, there’s no reason to suspect the Psychopaths In Charge to suddenly become sane, is there?

 Jun 11, 2021 2:19 PM

ebola rocknrolla
globo warming and cooling
blm lgbt plus
barbera lerner spector
globo climate change
hear cum the floods when the levee breaks
the dry drought
uv burning rays or sky net dimming
cris cross inverted cross sky shapes
round up ready the cattle for 5g slaughter
heavy metal blood stew
covid greta planet
space man apocolypto
desertification flooding
parasite infested living vaccines

danger danger syrian russian north korean spies

musselamic terror cells outside
pharma farming prion killer cells inside
5g baking day and night
3 upticks for the for the shadow banned

a new world a new order to make us all safe again
as babera streisand said
the way we war

 Jun 11, 2021 2:18 PM

Excellent article, Kit, thanks. The WSJ published a piece about the global investment monster Blackrock among others. It’s behind a paywall so I can’t find the rest of the quote…

“Blackrock is buying every single family house they can find, paying 20-50% above asking price and outbidding normal home buyers. Why are corporations, pension funds and property investment groups buying…”

One answer to that is that they have pared every company down to the bone and can’t find “value” anymore. So the last place they can look to is the property market – a strategy private equity thieves Blackstone pioneered after the last financial crisis.

The other answer is that it also fits in well with WEF plans…

So when Schwab says that in 2030 we won’t own our own homes we now know who will.

 Jun 11, 2021 6:24 PM

 Reply to  Molinos

I have always thought that the private home asset is the only thing left at this point…interesting that they are paying above market price…this would not be about pushing the price of housing ever higher? Do that and then up the interest rate a few % and you get a heap more for a lot less in mortgage fire sales…I doubt these guys ever pay more without a reason…

and yes someone has to own them…another piece of the control system that enables the ruling mob todo whatever the like with social credit like systems…you behave and you get to keep a roof over your head of their choosing….

and to think people thought the age of Aquarius was going to be fair and happy! I always said be careful with that thought..

 Jun 11, 2021 1:43 PM

During the ongoing covaids caper the bovine herd has shown conclusively that it is not fit to survive in the pedovore jungle that the Satanic elitist filth have constructed. Cull them all and be done with it and then the 5% with a functioning brain will take care of the scum that unleashed this nightmare. Meanwhile the only thing that stands between good and evil is the brutish herd of disgusting sheeple and the club wielding vertical pigs that are there to protect the pedovores at whose trough they slurp their swill. There will be rivers of blood before this is resolved and I don’t mean from the pin pricks of the white coated thugs poisoning the uninformed, ignorant clowns controlled by presstitutes political gangsters and sundry hitmen.

 Jun 11, 2021 1:38 PM

Perhaps a solution to all this madness is to forward the idea that People in the Public Eye should be required, much like sportspersons, to have the logos of their financial supporters and interests plainly featured on all their clothes when they appear before the camera or in public. It’s clear to see who is sponsoring sportspersons; why not Public Figures?

 Jun 11, 2021 9:40 PM

 Reply to  Anonyme

Great idea. But alas! as GK Chesterton said, the most remarkable thing about public figures is how private they keep their Con-spiracies.

George Mc
George Mc
 Jun 11, 2021 1:36 PM

The vitriol and scorn from many of our reader comments to stories is extreme—to the extent they wish anyone breaking regulations “catch the virus and die”. These comments are sickening to read and show that much of the public has been deeply programmed by the fear propaganda and psychological manipulation that we, the press, perpetuate on behalf of our government.

This is an echo of the old religious programming whereby the anger necessarily produced within a victimised, exploited populace is redirected from its proper target (the rulers) to other equally victimised and exploited members of the public. And the old retributive venom has an identical contour. In the past, it was a wrath and an expectant gloating over the eternal punishment in Hell dealt out to unbelievers. Now it is the fervent wish that those vax refusers and covid sceptics come down with the virus in the most graphically horrific way, the angry ones salivating over this prospect. (And perhaps this appalling sadism is a reflection of their own suppressed guilty compliance with the covid programme?)

And I have heard this kind of stuff on the OffG comments from those still adhering to the covid gospel. “Just wait till you catch it! Just wait till you see your family members die before you! When that happens, I’ll be laughing!”

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
 Jun 11, 2021 2:05 PM

 Reply to  George Mc

‘Catch the virus and die’ The smug sheeple cohorts have got it all wrong. It’s more like ‘take the vaccine and die’, as many have done. But the penny still hasn’t dropped – the vaccine is more dangerous than the ‘virus’. Well my masked friends, don’t say you weren’t warned. A nice little jabby-wabby is coming your way – for free!

 Jun 11, 2021 9:50 PM

 Reply to  George Mc

“This is an echo of the old religious programming whereby the anger necessarily produced within a victimised, exploited populace is redirected from its proper target (the rulers) to other equally victimised and exploited members of the public.”

True, George, but that social behaviour goes back millions of years before religion arose on Earth. There is a video of our chimpanzee cousinds ganging up on someone who has fallen foul of the Alfa chimp, and beating the boss’s victim till he limped away to die outside the community.

I believe religion reflects humankind’s aspiration to “erase the traces of original sin” which we and our cousins inherit from our common pre-chimpanzee ancestors.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
 Jun 11, 2021 1:36 PM

This article is a species of propaganda . Simply introducing some form of forced planned parenthood globally would be far more effective and less onerous than lockdowns , masks , and vaccination passports ?

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
 Jun 11, 2021 1:53 PM

 Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Depends what the aims are. The Lockdown accelerated the USA’s neoliberal roll-out of its franchise. It integrated, far deeper, the CIA’s Amazon, Apple and google into the western world, It destroyed the enemies of Corporate monopoly, local small business, and offered lots of perks to foreign leaders to lubricate the selling of their own countries down the river.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
 Jun 11, 2021 8:20 PM

 Reply to  Paul Rexton

Define USA . The neoliberal roll-out is international in nature .The 10% or so that make up the USA’s elites who rule by force are not a nation state ? Apple , Google , Amazon , etal are multi-national corporations that are indeed now monopolies , whose purpose is to maximize profits not to service the so called American people. CIA is a paramilitary group that enforces the foreign policy goals designed by those elites In have lived in several states for considerable time and i can assure you the so called USA has never been less United. In fact the constant bickering and eventual Civil war and unrest existed before the ink dried on the Declaration of Independence circa the 1776s

George Mc
George Mc
 Jun 11, 2021 3:07 PM

 Reply to  Jim McDonagh

If the aim is to reset the entire structure of society- and in ways not at all attractive to the population, there’s no way you’d have a hope in hell of doing that without the cover of “emergency health measures”.

As for forced planned parenthood, well they could work that in via a “viral transmission to the unborn” scam.

You read it here first!

 Jun 11, 2021 1:15 PM

As the alleged symptoms and PCR Test have been deconstructed ad nauseum, the only reason left to think that there might be a virus is the alleged genome sequencing. Given the virology and epidemiolgy have turned out to have most dubious methodologies upon close inspection, who didn’t think the same would be true of genomics?

There’s no doubt much more to be said about this (and yes, I’ve some problems with Kaufman as a source) but it’s a start.

It all looks very like the alchemy the elite are so unfathomably fond of. They’re taking base material and after some hocus-pocus transmuting it into gold.




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