Propaganda War We Win or Face Slavery

The Propaganda War (Part II)

CJ Hopkins

The column you are about to read is propaganda. Yes, that’s right … propaganda. It isn’t political satire or commentary, or objective news or information, or unbiased, verified scientific fact. It is propaganda, pure and simple.

That isn’t a confession, a disclaimer, or a warning. I am not ashamed of writing propaganda. Most everything you see and read on the Internet, and in newspapers, and on television, and in textbooks, and novels, and on advertising billboards, and everywhere else, is propaganda. There is nothing wrong with propaganda. The question is who is doing it, and what they are doing it for. Here’s the definition in the Cambridge Dictionary:

“information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people’s opinions”

That is what the column you are reading is … an attempt to influence people’s opinions. Of course, that isn’t all it is. Nothing is ever only one thing. But it is absolutely propaganda. And so is everything else that you will read today.

I’m terribly sorry if this comes as a shock, but there is no “objective” fantasy-land in which no one is trying to persuade you of anything or pressure you or otherwise influence you to do something. It does not exist, this “objective” dream world, where “authoritative sources” report “the facts,” where “the facts” are “verified” by “neutral” “fact checkers,” where ex-NSA and CIA spooks are hired as commentators by MSNBC and CNN because they care about “the truth,” where “science” is immune to manipulation. This fantasy is the alibi of authoritarians, cult leaders, and assorted other control freaks, and the people they have brainwashed into believing in it.

Everyone — and I do mean literally everyone — is trying to persuade or convince you of something. Your friends, family, colleagues, your boss, advertisers, lobbyists, government officials, the media, artists, teachers, doctors, journalists, bloggers, Twitter bots, etc.

This isn’t cause for paranoia. It’s a natural part of human social behaviour. It is happening right now as you read this sentence. I’m trying to convince you of something. In a moment, I’m going to urge you to do something.

This is how we create “reality,” collectively, by persuading and influencing each other, or allowing ourselves to be persuaded and influenced, mostly by powerful ideological forces that do not care about us, and just want to control us, but also by each other, moment by moment, with every word we speak and every action we take.

Every choice we make is an advertisement, a political statement, a profession of faith … a small contribution to a work of art we are collectively creating, which is what “reality” is. You and I are doing it right now. I’m trying my best to influence you, and you’re deciding whether to let me do that, whether you trust me … whether we share the same “reality.”

This process (or this negotiation, if you will) is never-ending, and there is no escape from it. Pretending that it isn’t happening — that we are not creating “reality” together with every choice we make — is childish, and is particularly dangerous at a time like this, when a new form of totalitarianism is being rolled out all across the world.

This is not the time to retreat into fantasies. As I noted in Part I of this piece, we are in a propaganda war, and we are losing. GloboCap is manufacturing a new “reality,” a pathologised-totalitarian “reality.” Either you accept it, and conform to it, or you oppose it. Those are the choices. There are no other choices.

All right, now that we’ve got that straight, let’s get down to the propaganda at hand, and what it is that I am urging you to do.

I think the young people call this a “meme.” It is something everyone can do. Make a tweet or a post like this, with your name, face, country, and details, whatever restrictions apply to you. Use the hashtag. Circulate it.

Encourage others to do the same. Don’t even mention the virus or the “vaccines.” Focus on the totalitarianism. Make it visible. Make it personal. We need the New Normals to see the faces of the people they are demonizing because we won’t convert to their new “reality.”

No, it will not make the slightest difference to the fanatics, but most of them are not fanatics. Most of them are simply scared and confused, and utterly mindscrewed … as in their brains are not working. Literally. They are no longer able to think. Challenge them, and they will either become aggressive or start robotically repeating propaganda at you like the members of an enormous cult.

Anyone who has interacted with them (and I have a feeling that you probably have) knows that they are totally unreachable with facts, argumentation, and basic reasoning, not to mention common sense, which is why I have mostly given up on that and am focusing on propaganda.

Propaganda programmed these people, and propaganda can deprogram them … or at least it can interfere with their current programming, even if just for a fleeting moment, maybe even enough to start them thinking, which might lead them to questioning the official “reality” … which, as any cult deprogrammer will tell you, is the first step toward disengaging from the cult.

Yes, it is just a picture and some words, but, if you doubt the power of visual propaganda, consider what GloboCap has achieved in the relatively short span of 17 months. They have imposed a new official ideology (in other words, a new “reality”) on societies all across the world.

Seriously, think about that for a moment … they have literally implemented a new global “reality.” They have done this primarily with propaganda, much of it visual propaganda, which functions on a primal, instinctual level.

They inundated the public with images of disease, hospitals, patients on ventilators, body bags being stacked in death trucks, mass burials, and people dropping dead in the streets. They forced everyone to wear medical-looking masks and to perform an ever-changing series of pointless, paranoid compliance rituals to generate an atmosphere of “deadly contagion.”

Basically, they transformed the entire planet into an inescapable pandemic-theatre production in which the terrorized performers are also the audience. They did this mostly with visual propaganda, images and observed behaviour. (The nonsense the New Normals robotically recite at us isn’t meant to believed; it is meant to be memorised and repeated verbatim, like religious dogma, or a customer-service-representative’s script.)

And, if you think your tweet or post doesn’t matter … well, it’s now about 48 hours since I posted mine, and thousands of people all over the world are joining in with tweets and posts of their own. (OffGuardian is collecting some of them here and inviting people to add their voices.)

Twitter is suppressing the #NewNormal hashtag and slapping “sensitive content” warnings on the tweets. Fanatical New Normals, furious at being shown the faces of the people they are demonising, are shrieking insults, death wishes, threats, mockery, and other vitriolic abuse at us, and demanding that the authorities censor us, and desperately attempting to disappear us by adding the hashtag to random gibberish.

That wouldn’t be happening if our voices didn’t matter.

What we’re doing is basically an online version of classic non-violent civil disobedience. We are disrupting the new official narrative, the official ideology, the official “reality,” even if just marginally, and just for a moment. Join in. Ignore the fanatical New Normals shrieking hatred at us on the Internet. Interrupt the “pandemic-theatre” performance. Make the new totalitarianism visible. Make it personal … for them, and for us.

If you need a reminder of what the stakes are, here is a recent photo of some lovely graffiti from an unknown location somewhere in New Normal Germany. For those of you who don’t read German, it translates as … “GAS THE UNVACCINATED.

(Picture won’t copy but similar to Nazi era anti-Jew slogan)

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or

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Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
 Aug 19, 2021 8:48 AM


A friend just made a post about this disgusting poster from the so called, alleged “anti fascists” at Antifa in Germany who stuck this very disturbing poster up at a supermarket. It reads in part “the unvaccinated are not welcome here. Track them down, round them up, intern them”. And these bastards have the gall to call themselves “anti fascists”. Soros would be so proud of them. I hope you don’t mind me using this from your twitter account CJ.

Consent Factory (@consent_factory) Tweeted:
A message from the “anti-fascists” of #Antifa here in #NewNormal Germany. The sign reads …

“Enough! The Unvaccinated are not welcome here! Track them down! Round them up! Intern them and vaccinate them!”

George Mc
George Mc
 Aug 19, 2021 8:24 AM


I mentioned covid in relation to 9/11 but I reckon that JFK is actually a better parallel. I think the significance of that assassination cannot be overstated. It marked the point where the Left completely abandoned all pretence at autonomy to become a fully co-opted arm of the state. Or at least most of the Left did. And this new zombie Left’s job was to sneer using the newly coined mind blocking term “conspiracy theory” whilst passing over these dubious events in silence – the basic trope being: “Nothing to see here- move along now!” Thus covid: “Let’s hope it all just goes away!”

George Mc
George Mc
 Aug 19, 2021 8:10 AM


Oh they do like their dreary hack reporters – Marr, Kuenssberg etc. Or that guy with the thick black rimmed glasses – can’t even recall his name, oh here it is: Nick Robinson. Friendly faces – ever so reliable ‘cause they’re familiar, like family members. In the end I see them like slightly more prestigious stand-up comics. Like “beloved Eric and Ern” but with a political script.

And how about that entire political celeb layer? Every leader writes an autobiography. If they’re American, it’s inevitably an uplifting morality tale. “Tales my Father Taught Me”, “Dreams You can Believe In” – that kind of thing. I get the impression the Brit contingent are more deceptively “factual” and therefore less honest. But who cares really? There seems to be a whole industry shovelling this crap out and no amount of dosh is to be wasted on flogging the message of the moment – which will be abandoned as soon as it no longer matters. What was that book? “Corbyn – The Truly Evil One”?

Jubal Hershaw
Jubal Hershaw
 Aug 19, 2021 7:03 AM


In Australia cairnsnews has posted a great short video for Saturday’s rally. it’s really worth forwarding to any friend who might be wavering… who’s fallen for the deceit that the injection is a vaccine…

 Aug 19, 2021 6:50 AM


Can we stop saying ‘New Normal’ and instead say ABNORMAL?

 Aug 19, 2021 5:04 AM



Yesterday there were 633 “cases”. Wasn’t there a 1960’s movie called 633 Squadron ?
I wonder if there is something occultic in the number.

 Aug 19, 2021 6:29 AM


 Reply to  Peter

Wonderful score by Ron Goodwin.
But maybe it was propaganda ;-(

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
 Aug 19, 2021 4:30 AM


Speaking of propaganda, why don’t some of us here pool our money for an anti-Covid fascism leaflet dispersion via small commercial airplane?

This was done by the White Rose group during Nazi Germany
The secret student resistance to Hitler – Iseult Gillespie

Also on Rumble and BitChute

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
 Aug 19, 2021 5:38 AM


 Reply to  Veri Tas

The White Rose are on Telegram. I just looked then. Have been seeing their flyers around Melbourne, mainly at bus stops.

 Aug 19, 2021 6:26 AM


 Reply to  Veri Tas

I am glad you remembered the White Rose group in Nazi Germany. The vain attempts of this little group of high minded heroes to counter a propaganda onslaught by agents of Anglo Capitalism are one of the many parallels with the New World Order which came into being with the Bush regime’s Con-911 holocaust in New York City, 2001. Another parallel is that the White Rose were powerless against the primitive force of mass psychology. The good German sheeple had to learn the hard way: it was only when Hitler had led 4 Million good German sheeple to the slaughter in his idiotic campaign that the good German sheeple reduced their vote for him from 99% to 1%.

“Praise be to God who set this Law in his Heavens
That mankind must learn by suffering” — Aeschyles, Chorus in Agamemmnon

If we will learn no other way.

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
 Aug 19, 2021 4:29 AM


We could just be.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
 Aug 19, 2021 4:23 AM


See, all sorts of “experts” like Samuel Pufendorf and Thomas Hobbes and Bernard Mandeville and others had plenty to say about social contracts between “citizens” and “States”. Men are brutes they say and need correction and a heavy hand including threat hanging over them to “encourage” them to live civilly. So they say, well, let’s all get together and agree the State can wield supreme power in order to create a more or less natural state of peace and co-operation. That way it’s better for us all. You trade your freedom for protection.

Fine. Hey, that’s great. But these drunks said men are brutes and need correction. But wait a minute…the “men” who make up the State……….are men too……..and brutes themsleves. They aint no “supreme” intellect or unchallenged masters of the universe. You’ve got monkey’s guarding monkeys. So all these old drunks like Pufendorf and Hobbes should have pulled their heads out of their arses and used their miraculous powers of philosophy and come up with a better idea than letting brutes have ALL the power to dictate, control, crush and snuff out all the other brutes. That’s a recipe for untold corruption and exploitation.

What these drunks should have said was…there is no social contract. There is only the exploited and those that do the exploiting. They could have saved thousands of pages of gobbledygook in a handful of words.

I’m still flawed that a tiny minority of “leaders” think they can force me to wear a mask…to literally dictate how I breathe the air. That they think they can force me to take an injection that was rushed out in 2 seconds flat and that’s made up of nobody knows what for a “virus” that’s literally not killing people.

This social contract thing that we all around the world find ourselves bound to by virtue of the protection racket business model, is not a 2 party informed consent contract. It’s an ultimatum presented to you as in infant that you swim in forever.

 Aug 19, 2021 6:45 AM


 Reply to  Pig Swill

This is so very true in the place known as Australia…no bill of rights, actually no position of prime minister in the commonwealth constitution….said constitution now proving about totally useless….we find we are really 6 states who basically can do as they like…plus 2 territories…who seem the same…the state leaders handed over to the police and military, thus betraying any care anyone had the delusion to think they had for the people…this allows them to hide while pretending they are in charge…

we are still owned by Elizabeth…and her delegates….we actually only own title to land at her gracious permission….thus we are back being penal colonies, the illusion is in the process of being shattered….but without even the nerve to run the rum rebellion….come next Anzac Day, the other illusion, I am waiting for these so called leaders to stand and say we need to remember the brave men and women who fought and sacrificed for our freedom…they who took it away at the drop of a hat…

 Aug 19, 2021 4:13 AM


Witness the hour, for it is late. The British Broadcasting Corporation hails the ghosts of authoritarianism.

“Westminster and the State are two very different things… we should spend less time on the distracting national puppet show and more time thinking about what I might delicately call the deeper sources of authority.”

Andrew Marr uses doublespeak in the form of euphemism. Is he saying listen to the experts? Who are these deeper sources of authority counterpoised to Westminster’s “puppet show”. To whom does he appeal that he should “call delicately”?

It is the intermission. We await the overture that heralds the next distraction. Or as Shakespeare might have said if he’d written Dr Strangelove, “Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun…”

Attention is being switched from Covid. Few people know anyone, outside the nursing homes, who died from the first wave. If the VAERS/Yellow Card figures are fractionally true, trouble is brewing and many will soon know someone who “died from the Delta.”

Someone who lost face — or the use of it — after getting the vaccine will make their voice heard. As will anyone who mourns a pregnancy or a friend. No wonder they want us to stop talking about Covid.

The orchestra settles in the stalls, preparing to soothe our cares and woe.
Did you know Google redefined the word, fascism? First as far-right thuggery. Then Poof! It vanished from our discourse as a going concern. It was no longer disrespect to the millions who gave their lives fighting fascism — or its victims — to hurl the word as a cheap political epithet.

Next, the historical event of the struggle against fascism was buried. In 2019, the Russian head of state was, for the first time, excluded from the 75th anniversary of D-Day — the representative of some of those 26 million fallen Soviet citizens; of the 80 soldiers who fell for every one American.

Literal Hitler’ became an illiterate, incoherent blurt. A meme blotting out reality. An orange smear replacing the sharp angles of black upon white and red.

In 2020, “voters… accept[ed] restrictions on their liberties for the greater good.”

In 2021 a BBC reporter says with a straight face: “Westminster and the State are two very different things… we should spend less time on the distracting national puppet show and more time thinking about what I might delicately call the deeper sources of authority.”

Soft Cell
To the general reader Marr is saying trust the NHS. To the insider he is speaking sotto voce, in unmistakable allusion to the deep state which was rehabilitated by Joe Biden’s installation in the White House through what Time magazine called, “The Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.”

The right are often accused of using ‘dog whistles’ to call out to each other beyond the normal range of hearing. I have seen no clearer example of a dog whistle than Marr’s article, which is a barely disguised appeal to supplant the parliamentary system.
If you doubt, then read this section:

“This is a core lesson that needs to be learned, as we hinge from Covid to climate. Public understanding of science has become a security issue. Without it, there will be no public support for the hard decisions on transport, heating and land use.”

Propaganda for the Outer Party
Marr’s appeal begins: BBC calling, BBC calling: Grown ups, think no more! Education works. You know enough. Face down doubt. Face down the coronavirus.

By its tone this is clearly an appeal to the Outer Party. The language is compressed, heavy with necessary transmissions from the directorate. It is not an article for the public for it is tough going. It is an update addressed to functionaries who have a role to play.

Speaking truth from power, BBC articles no longer read as if the reporters had waited in the corridors outside: they come from the commissar’s desk. They no longer sing with the cadence of the interrogative, or the nuance of quest pursued to its probable answer. Rather the tone is certain. They convey instructions.
It strains credibility when Marr implies that he knew all along that Westminster was a puppet show. Is he saying he misled us? On whose say-so — those “deeper sources of authority”?

As the Spectator published last week, Revealed: the BBC Guide for Covering Climate Change, the BBC is less of a journalistic organization. From its internal discussions of how to persuade the public on climate change, the BBC is increasingly a mouthpiece for the interests that Marr refuses to reveal.

“The July 28th briefing — which one insider described as being more reminiscent of ‘a campaigning organisation’ — identifies seven different groups of viewers and how to appeal to them: ‘progressive activists,’ ‘civic pragmatists,’ ‘established liberals,’ ‘loyal nationals,’ ‘disengaged battlers,’ ‘backbone conservatives,’ and ‘disengaged traditionalists.”

BBC apologists be reminded, that is not how one approaches a news story. To begin with it is issue-based reporting, not news — note the first three letters. Secondly even a hardy perennial requires some hoeing and pruning. The topic, that is, not the viewer.

No-one any longer expects the BBC to do investigative reporting. But a few questions might not go amiss. Instead we learn:
The BBC has decided how you think — which may or may not be accurate.
The BBC has decided how to influence you
The BBC has decided who to interview (BBC approval scores 5-8)

Political machine learning
Marr says “much of what we have learned from Covid-19 — about the state, authority, journalism and civil society — is directly applicable to what’s coming next”: restricting liberties for the greater good; public sector workers gaining more authority; we are all following the science; increasingly interconnected; demonstrating strengths of Western democracies.

The timing and subtext of Marr’s article tells of doubt. He has been given the task of rallying the functionaries because governments know they are overextended and they are on the brink of a new ploy or, if I had to put my money on it, several new distractions.

In full at:

Kit Knightly’s coverage of the Marr story here.

 Aug 19, 2021 5:18 AM


 Reply to  Moneycircus

Or maybe they have enough set for the extinction event..,

 Aug 19, 2021 6:56 AM


 Reply to  Edith

Marr, that is the guy from this Chomsky interview right?

‘ Marr: “How can you know that I’m self-censoring? How can you know that journalists are..”

Chomsky: “I’m not saying your self censoring. I’m sure you believe everything you’re saying. But what I’m saying is that if you believe something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.

George Mc
George Mc
 Aug 19, 2021 7:49 AM


 Reply to  Moneycircus

I love your style MC:

Someone who lost face — or the use of it

 Aug 19, 2021 3:13 AM


They are Villans.They ride around in Limo’s -attended secret gatherings-deciding how to kill us, Trick us. cajole us into believing lies.Taking our public purse for thier own gain.
I’m not voting for them.I’m Done!

Big al
Big al
 Aug 19, 2021 4:21 AM


 Reply to  hele

My guess is the number of people that do not want to vote for them anymore far outnumber those who want to vote for them. How to harness that is the question.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
 Aug 19, 2021 3:06 AM


Oh last two thousand years countries have had mild to extreme propaganda nothing wrong only natural imo.
Alliances is where it becomes more difficult. ie: NATO UN IMF Banking Central BANK, what else is New oh yea, China BANK sorry.
First foremost the acceptability we are all common people, in the nicest meaning of the word: common.

Press, isn’t what this is all about, ‘words, phases assays paragraphs statements accompanied photographs sensations whats Vogue in The Fashion now today this month Year…..?’
That was easy for me, I had no time for what someone said in a newspaper., never even purchased one.

Years later fleet street showed graphic photographs of a friend who had been killed in a GP, are those pictures news, nope. It’s pure Sensationalism, is racing too dangerous make it Safe Ban it Slow it down etc.
Simple answer Motor Racing is Money, Loads of it Huge!
Do I want it banned?….Piss Off!
People use on-line propaganda safe brigades ban groups this that Selfish bigots, “What’s good for Me” types.

Soo time passes life goes on Have I ever bought into dragged into news-paper-digital-computerised- micro- chipped app- phone-tablet-lap-top.
Well yea, just a little, after all, I am only human.

Mr Schwab, great reset fourth industrial sars cov-2 heck even we annually flu jabbed in the UK, nothing until January ’20.

In the US I watch (or did untill Floyd crap banning switch over to Feminism propaganda)
movies & music., because of my personal love of Art.
So could say this little fly flew in fresh and got caught in the tar paper.

 Aug 19, 2021 2:43 AM


To all in Australia: the world is watching the full blown madness. I hope that on the ground there is solidarity and that the people can hold the line. Utterly mental. Ran across this and it seems relevant to the question of ‘why Australia’

Big al
Big al
 Aug 19, 2021 4:19 AM


 Reply to  Thiekbalj

Good pull, definitely does seem relevant. Actually you may have hit the nail on the head, what else could it be? And if so, that is further proof this whole thing has been manufactured. Interesting also regarding the part about “affluent and educated”.

 Aug 19, 2021 5:52 AM


 Reply to  Thiekbalj

Australia is in many respects the land of illusions and so why not do the covid illusion in somewhat the same vein…

the original lot were transported here as prisoners and set about displacing the original inhabitAnts by declaring them savages and accepting the ruling class decree of terra nullis…my mother said ‘well after all they were not using the land’. No doubt a common thought..and many of these people allowed the ruling elite to sell the land to them…after the elite had taken it from the indig…in the same vein we let the govt sell our national communication Corp back to us a few years ago…

we kept the illusion of empire going as if Britain really cared. And happy went off to fight in her wars….then happily went off to fight in US wars…all the way with LBJ…when they told us the yellow peril was coming to get us….within a few years we imported many of the yellow peril…now they were good for us…provided cheap lab etc etc…same old story…

then we too exported all our manufacturing to sweat shops…and rejoiced about how much richer this seemed to make us…we built grand houses around Sydney harbour and elsewhere we could find some water…why not water, the ultimate illusion.

we still don’t understand our past sin….but no doubt half the country isn’t even aware of the sin of displacement…one big advantage of multi cultures….sold to us by the same people who want us to believe they give more of a shit about the plight of the indig…meanwhile we sing about far wide brown plains for all to share…but we took them…so are they ours to share? We endlessly fall for scams, have poor leaders etc…while claiming the other illusion that we won’t tolerate bullshit etc…as I said …the home of illusions…

so why not try out products etc here…and especially the ultimate scam…the covid trip…

 Aug 19, 2021 2:07 AM



The people in the Gaza strip and in Pyongyang are undoubtedly better off than the citizens of Sydney today, The testing centres, empty for months, are overflowing and new ones have been set up. Police helicopter patrols. Huge fines for failure to muzzle and wandering outside your 5 km limit. The ugly witch bitch in charge spews fear porn that the submissive slaves lap up. Huge fines for disseminating convid “disinformation”. Kids separated from their parents and injected in stadiums, some collapsing.

S Cooper
S Cooper
 Aug 19, 2021 2:54 AM


 Reply to  Peter

“Almost seems like Gladys feels she missed out on the whole Jonestown Experience.”
comment image

 Aug 19, 2021 5:54 AM


 Reply to  S Cooper

Well she can keep the enquiry into her affair under lock and key too…so what isn’t there to like?

 Aug 19, 2021 6:03 AM


 Reply to  Edith

Affair ?

You mean in the romantic sense ? Christ the fellow must have been desperate. Has she procreated ?

 Aug 19, 2021 7:24 AM


 Reply to  Peter

She is currently under investigation for alleged conflicts of interest…easily found out about on the web…and yes there was a male involved…many claimed she was susceptible, helpless female, flattered etc…and while all is totally locked up so too are the investigators.

Thom 9
Thom 9
 Aug 19, 2021 1:45 AM


The present proganda model being used against the masses resembles a “confused sea”. The waves of propaganda are coming at the masses from every direction which makes it much harder to navigate the predominate current and wind. The intention is to confuse, contradict, conflict and thereby further divide the masses into smaller pidgeon holes.

 Aug 19, 2021 12:27 AM


They did not achieve this new reality only with propaganda. They have the law on their side because with money they could buy the allegiance of the leaders or influence to instil fear into them or to make them disappear like the five presidents who were against the vaccine. This is right, we have lost.

 Aug 19, 2021 7:42 AM


 Reply to  Zoroo

We haven’t lost yet, and not all leaders are bending over:

AMLO Rejects Jabs For Kids, “We won’t Be Held Hostage By Pharma Companies”
Also, “they have the law on their side”. For now. But what is going to happen when the police and the military are faced with mandatory vaccination, particularly when the scale of vacine deaths becomes too great to suppress?

 Aug 18, 2021 11:59 PM


The first time was not the hardest. We just borrowed her sister’s play tent, with one gas burner to make a cup of coffee.

40 years later, the tent is in the car, we have pre-cooked most of the food. The line-up is so good, that there will be barely time to eat, after bacon and eggs for breakfast (it drives the veggies wild – they just love the smell, and try to deny it)

Even the ENID are on in 2021 at New Day Festival

“Enid – Jessica – (Live at Stonehenge Free Festival, UK, 1984)”

OK so we got old.

At least we are still up for Camping, and might do it again in September.

(personally, I can’t stand The ENID, but that’s not the point. They did finance a lot of the photography of Stonehenge)


Sophie - Admin1
Sophie – Admin1
 Aug 19, 2021 2:09 AM


 Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Take some pics of the festival.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
 Aug 18, 2021 11:53 PM


they transformed the entire planet into an inescapable pandemic-theater production in which the terrorized performers are also the audience.

comment image

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
 Aug 18, 2021 11:50 PM


To me propaganda is deliberate disinformation (fake news). Because it’s deliberate there is always a nefarious agenda driving it.

Yes, most of my (our) utterings and posts are trying to influence but, as for me, I always strive to back up my persuasion with facts as I have investigated them. Also, my motive is to enlighten and free people from slavery, rather than push them into slavery. Big difference.

When I voice a mere opinion, I own up to it being an opinion. Which is what the first para is.

Big al
Big al
 Aug 18, 2021 11:33 PM


Actually it’s not something everyone can do because I refuse to use Twitter and Facebook and other social media. And I’m sure the author wouldn’t want me to abandon my own ethical and moral choices. But more power to ya. I still think people need to ditch their smart phones and all social media, they are being use to control and enslave.

 Aug 18, 2021 11:25 PM


Another excellent article from Mr Hopkins.

Indeed, for the political & medical establishment the ‘truth’ doesn’t matter.

What matters is what the majority of people believe to be true at an emotional level.

Hence the mass censorship and the pursuit by the establishment to control the information.

When you control the information, you control the perception, and when you control perception, you control behaviour.

But for the critical thinkers like myself facts are sacred.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
 Aug 18, 2021 10:54 PM


Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-08-17. Massive Spike in Covid, Deaths in Highly-jabbed Israel, not so much with Sparsely-jabbed Palestine

 Aug 18, 2021 10:31 PM


Well what I am to make of this?

NYC – Now back in Full Lockdown, unless you have been Double Jabbed.
New Zealand – In Full Lock Down (Both Islands) Because of One Suspected Covid Case.
Australia – Look at the State of Australia – Thanks Gazzah Potts and All The Australians
Germany – Thanks CJ Hopkins, for The Update. Did You do The Spray Paint Job?
France – Well Rob G and John Ward, updates us on France
Cryprus – Tim Drayton writes (Is Cyrpus Rocks on again this year?)
Spain – My Guitarist mate, tells me what it is like in Spain. He is still getting loads of gigs.
Canada – Pretty much like Austalia and New Zealand

ENGLAND – Do what you want to do.


No compulsory Jabs – Though You Can Have One or Three if You Want

No compulsory Masks – Though if you want, you can if you like.

Do you what you want. I don’t care. I am just elated, that none of my immediate family have been jabbed.

I really Love Them, and I want to keep them alive.

I have mostly been very subtle about it.


 Aug 18, 2021 11:20 PM


 Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

One question has been in my mind for a couple of months: how comes that Australia,New Zealand and Canada, have such a striking difference with the UK in the way their citizens has been (and still are) treated in this scamdemic. Common roots, same queen,similar legal system and still, as you just pointed) here it looks like is almost over but over there the situation is getting harder every day.
It seems to me that those territories have a different destiny awaiting them in the next geopolitical map.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
 Aug 18, 2021 11:38 PM


 Reply to  Nylon

Maybe because they are isolated testing grounds.

 Aug 19, 2021 12:05 AM


 Reply to  Veri Tas

By appointment to her majesty the queen?

 Aug 19, 2021 7:03 AM


 Reply to  Nylon

Canada is in the green. Has been for months, but gvmt is talking jab pass

 Aug 18, 2021 10:25 PM


Thanks CJ for who you are and all you write and all you do.

What is striking about the propaganda around Covid is that is has managed to get past the filters of people I would never in a million years have expected to fall for it. 3 examples come to mind.

Example number 1. The Saker of the Vineyard of the Saker. The Saker became very well known and respected for his forensic day-by-day analysis of the Ukraine war of 2014 to 2015 – which is still ongoing. He is usually worth reading for anything concerning geopolitics, especially Russia. He was the first person to work out what most likely happened to flight MH17 which was downed over Ukraine killing all passenegers and crew. However, the Saker has become quite hysterical and perplexed about the fact that the vast majority of his readers do not agree with him over Covid/Vax to the extent that he felt forced to give a forum to those who disagreed with him but not before first insulting them. What followed were about 300 incredibly well-informed and heartfelt comments from people who were equally perplexed by the Saker’s views and who insisted they were not antiVax but simply anti this Vax. (The Saker Blog vs anti-Covid crusaders)

Example number 2. Is b. of Moon of Alabama. b. was to the Syria war what Saker was to the Ukraine war. Another brilliant analyst but less egoistic than Saker, b. published some brilliant stuff and was easy on the moderation and very rarely replied to any comment.  b. could take a country like Venezuela which he clearly didn’t know a lot about and produce an analysis in a morning that was just incredible. Again b. became a bit hysterical and insulting to his many readers over Covid.

Example number 3 is Ron Unz of the Unz review.  Ron is Jewish and yet permits the most anti-semitic comments you could think of on his site. Plus some deeply racist stuff about African Americans. Unz has written thousands of words on how Covid is a bio-weapon yet amazingly endorses the mRNA vaccines, There are some great writers on Unz like Mike Whitney who publicly challenged Unz on his “anti-Vaxxer” views. Unz responded on the 15th of this month, like the Saker, by allowing the crazies to have their say in an article entitled “The Covid Debate: To Vaxx or not to Vaxx.” At present there are over 600 comments and you can guess what they say.

I have just seen that the Saker has interviewed Roger Waters.

S Cooper
S Cooper
 Aug 19, 2021 1:20 AM


 Reply to  Molinos

“Strange is it not how all those so called “respected” sites, in one form or another uphold the Scamdemic ‘Big Lie’ propaganda. Which by basic logic, reasoning and intelligence does not hold. They are either stark raving mad or lying. Would tend to think the latter, though would not totally rule out the former.”

 Aug 19, 2021 4:46 AM


 Reply to  Molinos

They may have highly analytical Brains but they they won’t look beyond often binary choices they’ve made and hence they are quite autocratic in subjects they consciously or unconsciously decided not to look more deeply as it would crash narratives that chose to proliferate for what ever reason.

Covid is not only example of their shocking authoritarian response and hardline defending their narratives, the same was in case of Syria and Ukraine.

I myself was banned by b for pointing out gross mistakes of Putin in Syria and Ukraine like halting advances of SAA or Donbas militias when they gained momentum that could end the wars.

Putin did it in Ukraine by removal RF military from Ukrainian borders (some located 70 miles from Kiev) after western pressure to free Ukrainian army to attack Donbas , immediate recognition of Kiev regime, refusing military help, and outright two requests of incorporation in RF like Crimea and most of all stopping on Sep 4 militia offensive and ordered Militia withdraw under pretext of engaging in Minsk peace process. August 25 , 2014 successful DPR militia offensive began toward Dnipropetrovsk and encircling Mariupol which effectively collapsed Ukrainian army position causing panic evacuation was squandered.

Back then militia could have liberated the rest of Donbas and even move toward Kiev making UkroNazis flee. Putin did the same in Syria stopping SAA offensive momentum unde guise of phony negotiations in Geneva framework with US and talks with Turkey and Israel.

b as well as Saker did not allowed facts or opinion against Putin strategy of initial appeasement that cost thousands of lives even coming from those who were there on the ground.

 Aug 19, 2021 6:14 AM


 Reply to  Molinos

Noam Chomski “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate”.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
 Aug 19, 2021 6:19 AM


 Reply to  Molinos

This is what raised my initial suspicions about Unz; i.e. that he was attempting to control a narrative.
American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Ron Unz – Sep 10, 2018


The whole scenario of top American leaders being the masterminds behind 9/11 is beyond ridiculous, and those 9/11 Truthers who make or imply such claims—doing so without a single shred of solid evidence—have unfortunately played a major role in discrediting their entire movement. In fact, the common meaning of the “inside job” scenario is so patently absurd and self-defeating that one might even suspect that the claim was encouraged by those seeking to discredit the entire 9/11 Truth movement as a consequence.

The focus on Cheney and Rumsfeld seems particularly ill-directed. Although I’ve never met nor had any dealings with either of those individuals, I was quite actively involved in DC politics during the 1990s, and can say with some assurance that prior to 9/11, neither of them were regarded as Neocons. Instead, they were the archetypical examples of moderate business-type mainstream Republicans, stretching all the way back to their years at the top of the Ford Administration during the mid-1970s.

Skeptics of this claim may note that they signed the 1997 declaration issued by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a leading Neocon foreign policy manifesto organized by Bill Kristol, but I would regard that as something of a red herring. In DC circles, individuals are always recruiting their friends to sign various declarations, which may or may not be indicative of anything, and I remember Kristol trying to get me to sign the PNAC statement as well. Since my private views on that issue were absolutely 100% contrary to the Neocon position, which I regarded as foreign policy lunacy, I deflected his request and very politely turned him down. But I was quite friendly with him at the time, so if I had been someone without strong opinions in that area, I probably would have agreed.

George Mc
George Mc
 Aug 18, 2021 10:16 PM


I am asking a question which is admittedly stupid but bear with me:

No matter what you think of covid, would you agree that the covid issue is … kind of important?

I ask because in Left site after Left site, they don’t tend to mention it. Apart from e.g. the WSW which at least has the decency to treat it as important, although in a totally wrong headed way. My guess is that the silence of most others is actually a kind of embarrassment. Perhaps they are vaguely beginning to suspect they have been duped and hope that the topic will … just go away.

And here comes the deja vu bit with 9/11. Old Chomsky was happy to do his little subversive radical hero bit … just as long as we didn’t talk about 9/11 i.e. just as long as we didn’t talk about the mastodon in the room. And now with covid, we are not supposed to talk about the entire inmates from Jurassic Park who took up residence in our living rooms a year ago and show no signs of leaving.

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
 Aug 18, 2021 10:47 PM


 Reply to  George Mc

lol brilliant. I’d say the biggest difference between 9/11 normies and covid normies is that the vaxxed have skin in the game, literally.

 Aug 18, 2021 10:57 PM


 Reply to  George Mc

Covid and the Jab are like your mum having cancer and receiving chemo/radiotherapy, being bald as a consequence, generally not doing too well, and not having much longer to live.

That is the elephant in the room.

The kids who don’t know better, just think gran has a strange choice of headware, and isn’t getting enough sleep, but otherwise remain unperturbed.

The older adults know what’s really going on, but are just trying to have as normal a life as possible for as long as they can.

One or two teenagers are totally losing their shit over it, and have this desperate notion that if they complain to the oncology doctors forcefully enough, their terminal prognosis can be withdrawn.

‘adults’=those who sadly know WTF is going on.
‘mum’=old world order.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
 Aug 18, 2021 11:42 PM


 Reply to  Xavier

In my experience, the teens and young adults are the most fanatical Covid cult followers, judging by the mask-wearing I see around. It’s the mature adults who are defying the mask mandates here in my corner of Australia.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
 Aug 19, 2021 4:05 AM


 Reply to  Veri Tas

I concur with you. Here in Melbourne, prior to the current lockdown, and when facemasks weren’t mandatory outside (that seems like a dim memory now) it was very noticeable that it was the Hipster crowd and Yuppies who were literally stomping around the streets, still wearing masks and they seemed so proud about it. Almost like they were saving the World or something.
But the majority of people I see not complying are aged 40 years or older, and if I do see young people not complying, they seem to be from working class backgrounds.
It seems Australia has literally descended into Stockholm Syndrome psychotic madness. I try very hard not to over use the word surreal, but…

 Aug 18, 2021 11:03 PM


 Reply to  George Mc

Hi George, I don’t know how old you are but in the 1970s and 1980s there was no internet and Chomsky was the only one informing us about Palestine/Israel and about media. He also challenged mainstream narratives about Yugoslavia, in particular he challenged, with John Pilger, the whole narrative of the Srebenica massacre, for which he was attacked with venom. I think he just got too old by 9/11.

George Mc
George Mc
 Aug 19, 2021 7:44 AM


 Reply to  Molinos

Oh I’m certainly old enough to recall the 70s and 80s. Even a bit of the 60s. I acknowledge good stuff that Chomsky has written – as has the WSW. But Chomsky always had his limits. He backed off from the JFK thing after a day when he cancelled all his appointments to examine the material. (This wasn’t long after it happened.) I reckon he knew then what his limitations were.

The WSW were at least savvy enough to query 9/11. But when covid came … well it’s enough to make you think there is a very sophisticated kind of “onion game” where you keep thinking you’ve found the basic level of actual resistance and you can trust it – only to find yourself betrayed when it peels away to reveal another fraud.

 Aug 18, 2021 10:15 PM


Has anyone seen a video of the British parliament meeting to discuss the Afghan crisis? ,…all packed in, a couple of masks…. No covid or delta there….

and I also see German drs are folding clinics…does this mean they have their % or had enough?….the date of 30 sept as an end seemed to pop up…has the narrative changed completely…and China seems to be threatening to take Taiwan ….is this another part of the give away? Things seem to be on the move except for Australia….where we are still well into this covid, delta shit…and NZ figs are showing death by suicide far far greater than death by covid but that hasn’t stopped them from joining us…

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
 Aug 18, 2021 11:04 PM


 Reply to  Edith

Haven’t seen that. But not surprised. I sure hope Australia shakes its delirium off soon. There’s this mask insanity in place in Brisbane indefinitely by the look of it. Which means I can’t get any work.

 Aug 19, 2021 3:39 AM


 Reply to  Pig Swill

I was on a Zoom this afternoon with a group of 10 people, 1 of whom is an MD in Australia. She believes the whole story — the thing, the variants, the shots that will protect people from the thing and the variants, the necessary lockdowns. She’s so serious and worried. Did I mention that she’s also a psychic? Yes, I guess it’s possible to get bad information through extrasensory means.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
 Aug 19, 2021 5:34 AM


 Reply to  Martha

Either that, or like most “psychics”, she’s delusional and full of shit.

 Aug 18, 2021 11:29 PM


 Reply to  Edith

Images from parliament today and from the G7 tell us the political & medical establishment don’t believe their own propaganda.

The ‘rules’ were never meant for them.
They’re reserved for us – the plebs.

 Aug 18, 2021 9:21 PM


My wife went to Tallinn the other day. She decided to go out to eat. She was asked for a vaccine passport and told that she would have to sit in the non-vaccinated section so she left. At the next restaurant, she was told she couldn’t be served. All this came as a shock to her as she was unaware of any government restrictions (We ignore the corrupt and controlled gov’t as much as possible and do not have tv or radio.We do not know what else, we are restricted from). Where we live very few wear masks, I think I went for two months without seeing anyone in a mask, but now we begin to see them creeping back in. I heard that on 23August there is an action to set up a Baltic chain— to begin to start to put an end to the tyranny playing out before our eyes—of people through the Baltic states, similar to what was done prior to the end of Soviet times.

exiled off mainstreet
exiled off mainstreet
 Aug 18, 2021 8:47 PM


After Diderot we will have true liberty when the last establishment fascist politician of whatever system party is strangled in the entrails of the last fascist public health doctor or spokeswoman of the covid system.

 Aug 18, 2021 9:27 PM


 Reply to  exiled off mainstreet

A chain-linked fence of intestine around the town square. Foul but just. Our stomachs must be stronger than theirs.

(Fiction, as ever. China Miéville is your man for inspirational resistance ideas)

George Mc
George Mc
 Aug 18, 2021 9:51 PM


 Reply to  Moneycircus

Only read one of China’s books, Perdido Street Station, but it was fab.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
 Aug 18, 2021 8:36 PM


I think your definition of propaganda is too broad. I was brought up to believe that it is information that’s designed to shape attitudes by the manipulation of emotional responses. A typical example of this in action is the way that the epithet ‘Nazi’ is freely banded about in Internet threads — the vast majority of people know little to nothing about the historical context, background and ideology of Nazism and similar movements, instead we all just know that its bad. (Another way of putting it is that any time that someone holds a conviction, especially a negative one, but at the same time can’t articulate their position you can bet that it was planted by propaganda.)

One of the most creative and best exponents of propaganda was Dr. Gobbells. He understood the relationship between culture and propaganda, disliking crude anti-Semetic tropes in favor of ‘pro-values’ entertainment. His artistry is overlooked by many because of the cause it served but the tools and techniques he refined have been used consistently since then to shape attitudes among the population as whole. If you look critically at a lot of mass entertainment you’d shy away from a lot of media because of the messages it sends — for example, the current anti-science mindset can be easily traced back to the entertainment served up in the 1970s and 80s. So next time you see a Bond movie or one of the endless series of Avengers don’t just treat it as a bit of harmless fun, look at the messaging behind the movie, what it says about us and our relationships with the world. You can still be entertained, but watch out for those messages!

 Aug 18, 2021 11:31 PM


 Reply to  Martin Usher

I don’t often agree with you but you make a lot of good points in your summary.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
 Aug 19, 2021 12:02 AM


 Reply to  Martin Usher

If you look critically at a lot of mass entertainment you’d shy away from a lot of media because of the messages it sends — for example, the current anti-science mindset can be easily traced back to the entertainment served up in the 1970s and 80s.

Quit TV/radio forever at sixteen. Never a fan of Hollywood, in recent years I’ve also pretty much given up on the film productions of the entire Anglosphere…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
 Aug 19, 2021 3:46 AM


 Reply to  Martin Usher

Agree with you Martin. A lot of predictive programming has been going on as well. Should I mention The Simpsons, Black Mirror, One By One, The X Files just to name a handful.
For the record, I won’t watch anything that comes out of Hollywood, nor do I watch TV shows anymore. In fact my TV is turned off 99% of the time except to watch one of my dvds (all independent, non mainstream films). Also took note of what you said that the term Nazi is being bandied about by people that know little to nothing about the historical context.

 Aug 18, 2021 8:35 PM


I think propaganda should only be associated with the powers that be or larger institutions rather than with persons. What we do as Hopkins says is “civil disobedience,” resistance, protest, persuasion, but those who have the power to use force, do so via propaganda which is backed up by violence, either implied or real.

As to why this current propaganda push is working so effectively, one key reason which is always left out, is that the major media outlets generally hide disease rather than expose it. The drug companies push it in their ad campaigns, but the media often takes more of a denial or skeptical tact as with Lymes, AIDs, CFS, as with the prevalence of cancer, of medical errors (Johns Hopkins says 250,000 per year die in US), as with pollution, toxic drinking water, all forms of environmental devastation and the diseases it causes etc So, an epidemic hits home and what happens: more people think it must be worse even than what’s being reported, that the numbers are worse, that the disease is worse, that any contact with the public is risking and frightening. Thus, it takes either really lucid, & well-prepared minds, or those that are most affected financially, to see through the totalitarian nature of what’s actually happening right before their eyes.

 Aug 18, 2021 7:55 PM


We are nearing the time when our world ‘leaders’ will be required to wear hand cuffs and strait jackets – for their own good, of course…
This has gone far enough.

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
 Aug 18, 2021 8:58 PM


 Reply to  wardropper

Sadly, for the psychopaths who are doing this to us, there really is never “enough.” These people have no empathy for anyone, literally, besides themselves. It is difficult for sane people to understand and then believe that there people in our world who are evil enough to ruin the lives of everyone on the planet for their own power, greed and gratification — but there certainly are those people in the world. We are getting a first-hand, up close dose of what they can do, and it ain’t pretty.

Juan Nadie
Juan Nadie
 Aug 19, 2021 4:42 AM


 Reply to  wardropper

I want to see guillotines come back into fashion.

 Aug 18, 2021 7:54 PM


I think we have to be very careful with considering everything to be propaganda- especially given the connotation the word has with most people.

There still and always are truths and demonstrable facts that lie outside the constellation of propaganda no matter how you define it.

2+2 does not equal 5 no matter how many beatings are given and how many “acceptable” media outlets declare it to be so.

Fact- Big Pharma is responsible for massive amounts of human damage and is protected by the political class which it owns.

Fact- The C19 “vaccines” have caused more damage than any such “product” in the rather disturbing history of vaccines.

Fact- The media is wholly owned by the investor class that creates the stories for the media parrots to repeat.

One could cite similar facts all day long for months on end- especially as relates to “All Things Covid” as told to us by the media bullhorns.

To go down the rabbit hole of “all is propaganda” is dangerously close to the subjectivist fallacy, moral relativism and entering a hall of mirrors where everything is merely considered “one’s opinion.”

The lies have always been there and that they are blasting them out from the fire hose 24/7 on “all things Covid” does not change that they are simply lies.

 Aug 18, 2021 9:20 PM


 Reply to  Maxwell

“There still and always are truths and demonstrable facts that lie outside the constellation of propaganda no matter how you define it…2+2 does not equal 5 no matter how many beatings are given and how many “acceptable” media outlets declare it to be so”

Totally agree, but unfortunately people could still easily be convinced (via sophisticated enough propaganda) that 2+2 does in fact equal 5, as, I think, the ‘Asch Conformity Experiment’ (and people’s behaviour over the past 18 months) demonstrates…

Asch Conformity Experiment (link)

Done with line lengths but a similar principle applies with any patent fallacy/lie (such as 2+2=5)

So yes, there are objective truths. What people can be made to believe is another matter. And then there’s the problem of how to ‘unconvince’ them after they’ve believed a lie

 Aug 18, 2021 9:51 PM


 Reply to  Maxwell

like this statement.. you believe what you want to believe and I believe what I want to believe its all relative
Its called ” the run away basketball argument ” meaning you will never catch up with the runaway ball

So real emergencies or dangers are watered down with ” its all propaganda”

sure dude..whatever

 Aug 18, 2021 9:55 PM


 Reply to  Maxwell

Yes, if I urge you to verify, to the best of your ability, everything you are told – from whatever source – is that propaganda?
Btw, even if you think something to be verified you should still only think of it as the best theory to date, rather that outright fact…

 Aug 18, 2021 7:50 PM


No thanks, not playing the twatter game- a loser’s game.
This is You Cannot Change The System From Within, version 333.

You can only contribute to its inevitable downfall, and avoid becoming collateral damage.

For more information please re-read my username…

 Aug 18, 2021 7:45 PM


As if any further proof were needed that the Holocaust is now so far back in history that it really is forgotten.
“Never again” just didn’t work, and we’re stuck with the fact that there still actually exist people who can write, and even think such things.
I wonder what Holocaust deniers would make of that sample of graffiti…

As for the ‘authorities’, whose job it is to find, and prosecute hate crime…
Well, it’s all-too-clear that the modern, ‘compassionate’ fashion is to find ‘therapy’ for devils, even though our psychiatrists are not really up to the task, and our exorcists are in very short supply.

I’m stumped.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
 Aug 19, 2021 12:21 AM


 Reply to  wardropper

The very term ‘holocaust deniers’, ‘covid deniers’, etc. says it all. To arrive at some sort of truth, ask yourself what is it we are not permitted to investigate or say?

 Aug 18, 2021 7:44 PM


we can also resist yet not place a target on our backs…just sayin’

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
 Aug 18, 2021 9:03 PM


 Reply to  draeger

dragger – I had the same thought you did; I certainly don’t want to put a target on my back or endanger the welfare of my family. But, I think we are in the midst of a crisis that threatens literally the whole of humanity, and that is not an exaggeration IMO. I usually keep my head down and my mouth shut (except places like this one), but, after careful consideration of the magnitude of the pending horror, I decided to put my thought and photo out there for the covidians to see. Did I make a mistake? Time will tell, but I certainly am watching and preparing, just in case. Just sayin.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
 Aug 19, 2021 12:23 AM


 Reply to  Joe Van Steenbergen

It’s funny how the “Fully Vaccinated, and Proud” crowd don’t hesitate to put their memes out there in the online ‘social’ scene. They even have badges for that!
They know that will be applauded and never cancelled.

 Aug 19, 2021 3:05 AM


 Reply to  Veri Tas

I suggest looking into investing in mortuary supply corporations. You’ll be a millionaire in 5 years time ????

 Aug 19, 2021 3:04 AM


 Reply to  Joe Van Steenbergen

I agree but you can’t save people who don’t want to save themselves. Everyone has to weigh the risks/benefits and make their own decision. ???? peace

 Aug 18, 2021 7:04 PM


What do you have to do to sell your souls these days? I know be a politician,Work in media,Be a Chinese whisperer to all these and more.

 Aug 18, 2021 6:53 PM


Its all fabrication – blog on how the World Health Center gives SPECIFIC directives to classify all ‘clinically compatible illnesses’ i.e. illnesses that present with Covid-19 type symptoms. And they made a list which pretty much captures symptoms for every disease under the sun) as Covid-19

Covid-19 is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION to other causes

The WHO guidelines are the standard CDC uses to code deaths

The open SCAM is right there in the writings:

 Aug 18, 2021 6:45 PM


All I can say is my heart is going out to Australia,Paris,NYC,Scotland and every country that are tasting the new normal.They are doing little by little testing the waters different countries.But as what happens when you poke a stick at a chained dog?!!!Unchain that dog then see it’s wrath.

 Aug 18, 2021 7:43 PM


 Reply to  Annie

No ‘new normal’ really exists.
It’s just the same ghastly old normal which demons and monsters have always wanted.

It has to be stopped.

 Aug 18, 2021 6:37 PM


Mmm, a philisophy that seems to be stolen from advertisement guru Paul Arden, who imho, was wrong in saying that we are all trying to sell each other something.

Just leave me in peace, I will do the same thing to you.

Which brings me to the authors’ major flaw, where he says (like GW Bush): ‘ Either you accept it, and conform to it, or you oppose it. Those are the choices. There are no other choices.’

Well, what about not interfering with their business and let them not interfere with mine? Just don’t go along with anything and leave others in peace.

Hopkins seems to make the strategical error to be willing to fight the bullies who are eagerly waiting for a fight and do anything to get you into that fight (which you will lose, therefore they want it).

I also have second thoughts about this meme thing (which when I first heard it, was kind of neutral/ slightly optimistic to, yet reluctantly ). Acting like a victim is not a good idea.

Hopkins acts like a victim and now wants your attention so you do something about it!

Mmm, where have I heard that before? Let me think… Oh, I know, of course, it’s the Greta Thunberg’s way!

Here she is.

comment image

I for sure see similarities between Hopkins, who used to be funny, and Greta.

Fuck them CJ, get a grip, just say no or if you really want to act according to an example, act according to

‘ What if they gave a war and nobody came?’

S Cooper
S Cooper
 Aug 18, 2021 6:51 PM


 Reply to  Willem

“Sad really. The same slimy creeps that were using Greta as a sales/marketing campaign are probably the same dirtbags that were patronizing Epstein and Maxwell’s All Night Lolita Day Spas.”

 Aug 18, 2021 7:41 PM


 Reply to  Willem

“Just leave me in peace, I will do the same thing to you.”

Crux of the matter, as usual, Willem.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
 Aug 18, 2021 9:10 PM


 Reply to  wardropper

‘Leave me in peace’, to be effective, always needs to carry the understood rider ‘or I will kick the shit out of you and leave you crippled for life – or dead!’

Then your peace-botherers listen.

Who says they’re bound to win when we stand up against them? Do a history check, and note all the time when the ‘no-hopers’ kicked the shit out of the ‘bound to winners’, against all the predictions. Add to the ‘gas’ graffiti ‘Gassers to Nurnberg 2, then to the gallows. We’re coming for YOU!’…

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
 Aug 19, 2021 12:33 AM


 Reply to  Rhisiart Gwilym

In history, when the masses literally owned nothing and were starving, revolution worked. Today, in the West, people own too much to want to lose that by revolting.

 Aug 18, 2021 8:40 PM


 Reply to  Willem

We will not be left in peace… that’s the problem. My thoughts fumble as I exercise this process you speak of – basically, live and let live in a time when life is now a disease that needs to be eradicated. I have tried going about things my way “in peace” and was nearly arrested.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
 Aug 19, 2021 12:35 AM


 Reply to  banjocat

I try to be ‘smart’ about it. I wear a bandana and if I see a fascist approaching, I quickly pull it up over my airways. I’ve read you can hold your breath for 3 mins. Enough to let them pass you by. So far so good.

 Aug 19, 2021 3:02 AM


 Reply to  Veri Tas

It would be funny if it wasn’t all so disturbing… Where I live I have been able to successfully navigate the shops and find those friendly few that will allow some bodily autonomy. Keep the truth alive my friend!

 Aug 18, 2021 6:28 PM


No. I think this is bad argument that relegates humanity’s fate to the effectiveness of “the best story”. This was/is the point of view of George Lakoff, a UCBerkeley professor of linguistics and cognitive science, and consultant to the Democratic Party. Most active pre-Obama he prosecuted the opinion that Liberals were just not telling powerful enough stories. That the right was more emotionally attracted to the conservative message. He believed, quite accurately imho, that the political world is authoritarians vs egalitarians. Thinking Liberals are egalitarian, even in underlying intent, AfterCovid 2021 is impossible.

I had some anarchist friends that also used to call everything “propaganda”. This is postmodernism. Everyone has a story and they are equally right or wrong. WRONG.

Truth is the best available information assiduously sought after. Those of us who’ve spent 17 months in kovid data analysis know the truth that these measures are vast and deadly overreaction by ruling elite. This is the truth and myself and many others can prove it. To say the argument proving this is not winning is placing our future into a TV game show or Survivor competition. This postmodern idea is nihilist in intent.

I remember a documentary on the history of US journalism noting that in the 30’s through to about the 60’s, people were readers and politicians had to sell their ideas more than their personalities. In the 50’s and 60’s I remember pocket sized candidate platform handouts with their top 10 policies.Today, policy platforms, concrete policy objectives, are laughed at and called irrelevant by the postmodern fashion propaganda of the 21st C ruling elite.

The best way to get an egalitarian world we want is with the brutal and liberating truth that the rich, the 1%, must never be allowed rule over, decide over and benefit over the 99%. The 100% must rule equally and collectively over ourselves.

Real transparent scientific problem solving used in open public forum of analysis of all the facts, discussion, debate, ideas and decision making is NOT propaganda. It is a method to discover the truth. And yes we can do it.

 Aug 18, 2021 8:52 PM


 Reply to  sandy

I feel what CJ is attempting to do is break the spell. That is what we are dealing with… A good analogy is that of Homeopathy. “The art of curing, founded on resemblances; the theory and its practice that disease is cured (tuto, cito, et jucunde) by remedies which produce on a healthy person effects similar to the symptoms of the complaint under which the patient suffers, the remedies being usually administered in minute doses.” That’s just my take on it. Honestly, I have been trying to unwind the riddle of how to reach people and have thrown all the truth bombs I could to no good affect. The Truth will not move people if they are “mindfucked”… The tactic that was used to make them “ill” is the same one that might open a window so they can climb out.

 Aug 19, 2021 4:44 AM


 Reply to  banjocat

“attempting”, “might” … hopium. Nonsense. The truth you give them are seeds to germinate and sprout after settling in to their minds. Give it time but never stop. Once the right amount of information and peer mass hits, they switch “on” to humanity. It took me reading books to sprout awareness of the big picture. We may have been programmed by family-school-work but we have hundreds of thousands of years of geneticly coded life experience that tells the opposite story to capitalist domestication. We are a hair’s thickness away from natural anarchism of the hunter-gatherer that knows how Earth and humans work. We are not fatally programmed.

 Aug 18, 2021 6:12 PM


“Make a tweet or a post like this, with your name, face, country,”

Just read an interesting comment over at Corbett Report about a facial recognition search engine. Though I believe CJ Hopkins means well, I don’t think it’s a good idea to help AI get smarter.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
 Aug 18, 2021 6:06 PM


Wow, that graffiti is the epitome of the protest banner that read “If you ever wondered if you would have complied in 1930s Germany, now you know”.

 Aug 18, 2021 11:46 PM


 Reply to  Sean Veeda


The reason the banksters knew they could create a global Orwellian dystopia is because they have had so much practice. From 1917 onwards. Until the alleged fall of the USSR one third of mankind was locked up.

 Aug 18, 2021 5:48 PM


CJ simply is referring to the 1 way – amongst many – that propaganda can be defined, i.e., white, gray and black: white propaganda, which is overt, where sponsorship is acknowledged directly and which is considered to be truthful; black propaganda, which refers to untruthful activities, where the origin of the activities is falsified or the activities are covert; grey propaganda, situated between white and black propaganda, where there is no clear indication of origin or the origin is attributed to an ally, and where the truth of the information is uncertain. Obviously, the type of propaganda CJ – and so-called ‘truthers’ (tenuous term – i concede) – are immersed in is of the white variety; whilst our enemies (egs., MSM; WHO; CDC; etc.), for the most part, are using the other 2, i.e., black and grey. Moreover, the 2 writers who have delved most deeply into the topic of propaganda would have to be Bernays (see, ‘Propaganda’) and Ellul (see, ‘Propganda’); with the latter’s work far superior to the former. Vertical/Horizontal; Political/Sociological; indirect/direct; etc. are just some of the terms identified by Ellul in his exegesis on said topic – one that can be truly classified as a CLASSIC: for its insights, illuminations and enlightenment on the topic of propaganda!!

 Aug 18, 2021 7:29 PM


 Reply to  rossgopicotrain

I think it was one of those guys (Bernays, Ellul), I forget which, who wrote that the most effective propaganda was simply to convince someone that everyone else believed something else.

In other words, it would make no difference what particular belief a person held. If they believed that everyone else was on board with a particular programme, and that they were the only person opposed to it, then they would take no action individually to oppose it.

So that was all you needed to convince them. That they were alone in their thinking.

That would perhaps fall into a black/grey area of propaganda

 Aug 19, 2021 2:07 AM


 Reply to  Vagabard

Kids do that with their parents all the time when they want the newest whatever.

 Aug 18, 2021 5:28 PM


You can fool all people some of the time but not all people all of the time.

 Aug 18, 2021 5:31 PM


 Reply to  Annie

I can’t wait for us to reach a critical mass of people who refuse to be fooled.

 Aug 18, 2021 5:42 PM


 Reply to  October

One day October one day.

 Aug 18, 2021 6:11 PM


 Reply to  October

One day in October, October, one day.

 Aug 18, 2021 6:24 PM


 Reply to  QuantumSingularity

???? October seems to be the month for things to happen.I was born in October,Watch this space with the elites.It’s something to do with solstice.

 Aug 18, 2021 7:32 PM


 Reply to  Annie

A second ‘October Revolution’

Could potentially be the purest revolution in human history. Mankind reclaiming the right to breathe

Couldn’t do worse than the first (cf Stalin)

 Aug 18, 2021 5:23 PM


Here it comes:

UK and France also ‘offering’ it to certain sections of the population.

Eight months after you are ‘fully vaccinated’, you go back to square one.

I hope this will keep them busy enough to leave the naïve alone.

 Aug 18, 2021 5:07 PM


Spam check again?What I say?

 Aug 18, 2021 4:58 PM


What I can say after 18+ months of lockdown is that it’s easier to brainwash a cat than a tortoise.

Cats are easy if you get them young enough. I got Blackie matchbox size. Cook’s matches. Hung him from anything he could hold on to. Now he clings to me like glue. Except when it’s rutting time and he’s got more urgent things to do.

Tortoises have eyes in the backs of their heads and follow your vision, as if they are working out what you are looking at. Very good memories for faces. They have an intelligence born of a long life, lived slowly and an intuition passed between them over generations that we cannot fathom.

I think they’d see through propaganda.

 Aug 18, 2021 5:13 PM


 Reply to  Moneycircus

And indeed, in their long lives they have surely seen every folly humans are capable of (all seven).

 Aug 18, 2021 6:52 PM


 Reply to  Moneycircus

during times of war
testudo graeca the beast in the shell
and rattus rattus disease covid vector

need watching and watched well
for they are and will forever be
not of us
but sleeper cell
the shelled one maybe slow plod
but he is plotting plotting scheming
watching always on the watch sir

hartley hare as well
gangs counter gangs and pseudo
like taliban waiting waiting for opportunity knockers

animal kingdoms frank kitson and sas david sterling
indeed one could say the enema within

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
 Aug 18, 2021 4:37 PM


I am not on Twitter and don’t know of anyone who is. (of course, how could I know) Ever since Trump was banned I quit all social media. Apparently, to participate in the protest you need a Twitter account. Isn’t that counter productive since they are partly responsible for this mess we are in? Isn’t there another way? What am I missing?

 Aug 18, 2021 6:13 PM


 Reply to  Wayne Vanderploeg

since trump got banned i quit all social media

you people so funny!

 Aug 18, 2021 9:25 PM


 Reply to  Wayne Vanderploeg

I agree with you, but you’re missing the countervailing “work within the system” rationale.

In a nutshell, this is an argument rooted in pragmatism; it holds that even though Big Tech/corporate behemoth social media platforms are inherently corrupt, and arguably evil– or, to use the 60s countercultural expression “part of the problem”– nevertheless they are a vast international communications network that reaches a correspondingly vast audience with a range of perspectives.

The platforms are totalitarian in nature, but since they’re not omnipotent it’s still possible to effectively “hijack” them and use them to disseminate subversive material. Thus, the better course of action is to remain engaged and seek to use the devil’s tool against him.

I’m reminded of Noam Chomsky’s reprehensible electoral-politics “work within the system” recommendation to practice “strategic voting” and vote for the lesser-evil candidate.

The parallel isn’t exact, of course, but those who buy into the legitimacy and efficacy of working within the system view refuseniks and abstainers as deplorably fastidious “purists”. Or, as Chomsky derided those who don’t follow his “hold your nose and cast that lesser-evil vote” advice, “self-indulgent”.

S Cooper
S Cooper
 Aug 18, 2021 4:34 PM


“YOU HAVE NO CHOICE Prepare to be culled (disappeared) or mutated and enslaved.
comment image
comment image

“Cuomo-ize (Euthanize) the World! Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever. WE OWN YOU.“

 Aug 18, 2021 5:49 PM


 Reply to  S Cooper

If things only make sense to those deficient in logic and those otherwise insufficiently percipient, then that is the audience for such things.

This should be good news for the sufficiently percipient – they are not the intended audience – they are expected to refuse the jab.

So, if the Jab doesn’t make sense, and Covid doesn’t seem to exist, and the measures against it are bizarre, then it’s not the Jab you should be worrying about, but what you are expected to be doing instead.

 Aug 18, 2021 6:25 PM


 Reply to  Xavier

That is when you really meet the glazed over eyes if you raise that one.

 Aug 18, 2021 8:13 PM


 Reply to  Edith

“My brain hurts…”

 Aug 18, 2021 6:24 PM


 Reply to  S Cooper

Ah but they have an out on this…you have it so you can do the non existent travel…who cares if the thing works, it’s the passport that matters…. travel won’t happen either, but then again the true believers think it might, and I note a bit of propaganda has popped up in local paper featuring travel operators voicing their faith…got to keep the narrative bait going…..the campaign is amazing..and fascinating if one looks for the clues…

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
 Aug 19, 2021 12:45 AM


 Reply to  Edith

The bait. Well spotted!

 Aug 18, 2021 6:58 PM


 Reply to  S Cooper

Hmmm. 10% of seven billion is 700,000 which is the number of people Gates expected to suffer very adverse effects from the jab.

 Aug 18, 2021 7:12 PM


 Reply to  S Cooper

Oops. My post has disappeared. I hope admin is correcting my not-so-deliberate mistake. 10% of 7 billion is 700 million, not 700,000. Sorry!

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
 Aug 19, 2021 12:18 AM


 Reply to  Peytoia

I was going to say that the 77th is now not only bestowing illiterates upon us, but innumerates as well…

 Aug 18, 2021 8:12 PM


 Reply to  S Cooper

Of course Reuters have ‘fact checked’ that newspaper clip, and concluded that Gates’s words were taken out of context.
Now, I want to know what other context there could possibly be for words like that…

The ‘fact check’ also said there was no evidence that this proved that the pandemic was fake.
But we aren’t even talking about a pantomimic here, but the much older agenda of reducing the world’s population, using vaccines and other paraphernalia which we can still see all over our media today.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
 Aug 19, 2021 12:44 AM


 Reply to  S Cooper

My only criticism about #2 is that the vaccinated are not given “privileges”!! These are basic human rights. Which we, the unvaccinated, are supposed to no longer enjoy.

 Aug 19, 2021 5:49 AM


 Reply to  Veri Tas

Yet we are expected to keep paying our rates and taxes.

 Aug 19, 2021 5:32 AM


 Reply to  S Cooper

Between culled and enslaved, I choose to be culled.

On a spiritual level, the integrity of my soul is more important to me than a few mortal extra years in this emerging gulag.

On a purely existentialist / human-dignity level, I believe I have gone along with the charade for far too long. When it comes to the prospect of keeping going – and becoming an android / alien / semi-mechanical creature: No Thank You. I don’t have it in me; I know THAT much by now.

Have been preparing myself for the culling scenario since early last year. Told a few close friends, “if you are walking in the woods sometime next year and come across my bones, please bury them.” Perhaps it sounds distasteful to some, but I do believe that this is the long and the short of it.



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