Satanic Vaxxers Destroying Women’s Health & Unborn

Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a transplacental endocrine-disrupting chemical that ravaged pregnant women: are Effects of DES Over? No, far from it; COVID shots as deadly; recall Thalidomide & Phocomelia?

Devastating past lessons & COVID injections in pregnant women when they were not studied in the registrational Pfizer & Moderna trials was a similar catastrophic failure by pharma & FDA; harms women!

The devastating effects are not only in pregnant women but also in their children & grandchildren who would be affected life-long. Forever! This is why Cole, McCullough, Urso, myself, Vanden Bossche, Risch, Tenenbaum, Dara, Vliet etc. have been pleading and begging to stop the COVID vaccine!

This COVID gene injection, this lipid-nano particle mRNA platform has been catastrophic, failed in animals, failed all studies prior, and now is causing devastation globally. I warn that what pregnant women suffered with Diethylstilbestrol (DES) and Thalidomide (Phocomelia) in past decades, will be matched and some, with these COVID gene injections.

Pregnant women were never to be vaccinated with the COVID vaccines and many are vaccine injured and have been harmed. The outcomes for the baby in utero has been terrible and more catastrophe to come. The FDA has failed pregnant women in their decision to on the one hand, prohibit pregnant women in the clinical registrational studies knowing, correctly, that the vaccine was toxic (you do not inject pregnant women with biologically active agents especially not yet studied with harms excluded), yet the FDA then allowing CDC and NIH and Fauci et al. to vaccinate pregnant women. This blindsided us all and made no medical scientific sense! This was a devastating step by FDA officials and Pfizer and Moderna to push these on pregnant women. Pregnant women were betrayed.

Now, as to similarities to DES, “Diethylstilbestrol (DES), you are damn right there are close similarities (COVID injections to DES as to the implications on pregnant women and the developing baby in utero) and also to Thalidomide (and resulting Phocomelia where babies are born without limbs and other congenital malformations etc.).

I argue, DES, present COVID injections, and Thalidomide are lining up to historically exert devastating tolls on pregnant women and baby. I argue there is similarity to the devastation 100%, present and coming!

Thalidomide SOURCE:

The Tragic History of Thalidomide and Phocomelia

This is what Thalidomide did to pregnant women and we are warning you with the COVID shot in pregnant women, the FDA and the malfeasants at Pfizer and Moderna did not study this vaccine in pregnant women. Do not take it!


DES is a transplacental endocrine-disrupting chemical, was prescribed to pregnant women for several decades. The number of women who took DES is hard to know precisely, but it has been estimated that over 10 million people have been exposed around the world. DES was classified in the year 2000 as carcinogenic to humans.

The deleterious effects induced by DES are very extensive, such as abnormalities or cancers of the genital tract and breast, neurodevelopmental alterations, problems associated with socio-sexual behavior, and immune, pancreatic and cardiovascular disorders.

Not only pregnant women but also their children and grandchildren have been affected. Epigenetic alterations have been detected, and intergenerational effects have been observed. More cohort follow-up studies are needed to establish if DES effects are transgenerational. Even though DES is not currently in use, its effects are still present, and families previously exposed and their later generations deserve the continuity of the research studies.”


Substack Alexander COVID News evidence-based medicine Aug 3 2022

Ex Cathedra Fauci tells women ‘do not fuss, the menstrual irregularities are transient’: “Doctors Criticize Fauci for Saying COVID Vaccines Induce ‘Temporary’ Menstrual Irregularities”

SOURCE “The significant and dramatic changes in menstrual patterns occurring after COVID-19 vaccines should not be marginalized. It is indicative of major adverse effects on women of reproductive age. The stakeholders claimed that the vaccine would remain at the injection site in the deltoid muscle. This was misinformation. The lipid nanoparticles (LNP’s…
NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci testifies during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies hearing, on Capitol Hill in Washington on May 17, 2022. (Shawn Thew/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)

NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci testifies during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies hearing, on Capitol Hill in Washington on May 17, 2022. (Shawn Thew/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)

“Well, the menstrual thing is something that seems to be quite transient and temporary, that’s one of the points,” Fauci said appearing on Fox News; DON’T forget Diethylstilbestrol (DES) in pregnancy

By Enrico Trigoso

August 1, 2022

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recent comments on menstrual irregularities met with serious rebuttal from gynecologists, who say COVID-19 vaccines should not have been injected into pregnant women without adequate safety testing.

“Well, the menstrual thing is something that seems to be quite transient and temporary, that’s one of the points,” Fauci said in an appearance on Fox News on July 25, upon being asked about the effect of vaccines on menstrual cycles.

“We need to study it more,” Fauci added.

Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and has been a frontman for COVID vaccine information in the United States.

Dr. Christiane Northrup MD, a former fellow in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, remarked to The Epoch Times on Fauci’s comments: “Unfortunately the menstrual problems we are seeing are far from transient and temporary. Many women have been bleeding daily or having heavy, irregular, painful periods for an entire year. And some of these are well past menopause. Something is way off here. ”

Dr. James Thorp is an extensively published 69-year-old physician MD board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as maternal-fetal medicine, who has been practicing obstetrics for over 42 years.

“The significant and dramatic changes in menstrual patterns occurring after COVID-19 vaccines should not be marginalized. It is indicative of major adverse effects on women of reproductive age. The stakeholders claimed that the vaccine would remain at the injection site in the deltoid muscle. This was misinformation. The lipid nanoparticles (LNP’s) are now known be distributed throughout the entire body and to be concentrated in the ovaries according by at least two studies. Schadlich and colleagues demonstrated concentration of the LNP’s in ovaries of different mouse species and Wistar rats, in vivo, in vitro and by sophisticated microscopic imaging in 2012,” he told The Epoch Times.

A lipid nanoparticle is an extremely small particle, a fat-soluble membrane that is the cargo of the messenger RNA.

Pfizer’s Internal Documents

Pfizer’s internal documents, obtained via the Freedom of Information Act, show a 118-fold increase in the concentration of LNPs from the time of injection to 48 hours.

“The LNP’s are known to include toxic substances including polyethylene glycol and pseudo-uridinated mRNA. The limited number of ovum in the ovaries (about 1 million) are exposed to potentially toxic substances and could potentially have catastrophic effects on human reproduction,” Thorp said.  

“The stakeholders claimed that the pseudo-uridinated mRNA could not be reverse transcribed into the human DNA. This was misinformation,” he added, referring to a Swedish study published in February 2022 that concluded that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is able to enter human liver cells and is converted into DNA.

Thorp and former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon believe that the medical industrial complex had unequivocal evidence on the vaccine’s danger in pregnant women.

“This is proven not only by VAERS but also by Pfizer’s own internal document ‘Pfizer 5.3.6 post-marketing experience’” Thorp said.

Within the first 90 days of trials, there were 1,223 deaths, multiple severe adverse effects, and a 45 percent complication rate in pregnancy cases (274) that occurred in vaccinated mothers (124).

The 2012 study, mentioned by Thorp earlier, says that after testing with different mouse species and Wistar rats, “a high local accumulation of nanoparticles, nanocapsules and nanoemulsions in specific locations of the ovaries was found in all animals.”

Yeadon believes that the pharmaceutical industry “definitely knew,” since 2012, that the lipid nanoparticles would accumulate in the ovaries of women that took the vaccines.

“No one in the industry or in leading media could claim ‘they didn’t know about these risks to successful pregnancy,’” Yeadon told The Epoch Times in April.

Sidestepping Responsibility

Northrup fears that there could be much more data related to reproductive damage that hasn’t been discovered yet.

“The phrase ‘this requires more study’ whilst downplaying the current evidence of harm is a common way to discount the experience of thousands of women. Unfortunately, academic doctors do this all the time as a way to sidestep responsibility for the untoward effects of their treatments,” Northrup said.

“The female menstrual cycle is considered a vital sign as important as blood pressure and body temperature when it comes to health assessment. Our initial findings of bleeding and decidual cast shedding in women who have been exposed to those who have had the experimental injection suggest that what we’ve seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg. The reproductive effects of this shot could be far worse than we’ve been led to believe,” Northrup previously told The Epoch Times.

Tiffany Parotto, lead researcher of MyCycleStory, a survey that found many problems in women after they took the COVID vaccines, told The Epoch Times in May that she was distressed about the censorship and deletion of a Facebook group of about 21,000 members where women were talking about their menstrual irregularities.

Fauci’s office did not respond to a request for comment by press time.

Enrico Trigoso

Enrico Trigoso is an Epoch Times reporter focusing on the NYC area.


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