Rise of the New Nazi Party the US Democrats, Evil & Satanic

American Thinker

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Susan Cook

1 day ago

I think you have it backwards…. It’s the Nazi Party emulating the Democrats.

Dinesh D’Souza, in his book: “Death of a Nation: Plantation Politics and the Making of the Democratic Party argued the following (CAPS original.



So much of history has been wiped clean by the Left. Thomas Sowell, in his 2012 book “Intellectuals and society.” stated:

“Madison Grant’s book “The Passing of the Great Race” expressing fears of a loss of hegemony by whites in general and Nordics in particular, was a landmark book of its era. It was not only a best seller in the United States, it was translated into French, Norwegian and—most fatefully—German. Hitler called it his ‘Bible’” (p. 291).

The horror of the Holocaust opened the eyes of many who were former advocates of Eugenics and was a primary factor in Progressivism falling out of favor among the cultural elite soon after the war.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Chris Weaver

22 hours ago
Susan you cleared some cobwebs from the dusty shelves of my mind. You uncovered some brilliant points. It was also American Eugenics that inspired Hitler. “There is today one state in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States.”-Hitler, Mein Kampf 1924
The left has completely adopted Keynesian Economics which has run the nation into a rut and he himself, John Maynard Keynes, was the director of the Eugenics Society from 1937 to 1944


22 hours ago
Keynes was also an early member of the Fabian Society, whose goals were to quietly advance Marxist communism using subterfuge.

Nancy Hurst

21 hours ago
Buck v Bell, a case heard by SCOTUS in 1927, upheld the state of Virginia’s forced sterilization laws. It was a complete setup, just as Roe v Wade was. Nazi party members (particularly doctors) thereafter frequently cited the VA law as the basis for their own Eugenics program—and we all know to what horrors that led.

Morry Rotenberg

1 day ago
Excellent post Susan!

Bob Ryan

22 hours ago
If you look at the origins of the National Socialists, you are correct. As I read the article, the point was about similarities that exist today with the Democrat Party and National Socialists.

Larry Knight

21 hours ago
The cable television channel AHC (American Heroes Channel) sometimes has programs that describe the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, and they also mention that Hitler copied from the Democrat Party in formulating the principles expressed in Mein Kamph.

donald b welch

15 hours ago
they also have shows where they compare trump to hitler, although that’s done somewhat subliminally.

Timothy Bishop

16 hours ago

You hit that one out of the park, Susan! Outstanding post.

Some saw what was happening in the 1920’s.

Eugenics and Other Evils by GK Chesterton reads like prophecy today.

Kirk McDonald II

16 hours ago
Well done Susan.
The left all over the world shared marxism. That religion masquerading as a political ideology had cultural differences, but it is evil in all its manifestations.

Fred Kremer

11 hours ago
Good post. Back in the early 1980’s I read a book: The Ominous Parallels, by Leonard Peikoff a philosopher. In this book he argues that American society, not just the Democrat party, had embraced the same intellectual heritage that led to National Socialism. And unless those ideas were soundly refuted the out come is a forgone conclusion. The ensuing years have not seen but one or two intellectually capable political champions of liberty and freedom.

Craig Smith

22 hours ago
Spot on. The Nazis emulated the treatment of the indigenous peoples by the US and British. Namely, kill them all. That, in a nutshell, was the policy. Simple, brutal, highly effective. Hitler saw the means by which the US cleared the west for “settlement” as a way to deliver the Lebensraum for eastward expansion. Again, kill them all.


22 hours ago
I doubt ‘kill them all’ was the policy of the US and British with regard to the natives living in America. That is a bit of an overstatement. The expansion of European populations into the Americas was inevitable and how it happened in the context of the times was unfortunate but certainly need not be compared to the systematic and intentional slaughter of the Jews in Europe during WWII

John Liebler

19 hours ago
Some will argue that the differences between “Lebensraum” and “Manifest Destiny” are not all that much.


15 hours ago
Agreed. But the OP wasn’t comparing “Manifest Destiny” to “Lebensraum” — he was drawing an equivalency with the Holocaust.


1 day ago
Excellent article, Steve. I wish I was rich enough to buy full page ads reprinting your article in the Sunday editions of the WashPo, NYTimes, Boston Globe, LATimes and few other Marxist rags.

donald b welch

15 hours ago
you need friends in high places.

Morry Rotenberg

1 day ago
“For all intents and purposes, the Democrat party could easily be renamed: The National Marxist/Socialist Party.”
I think that the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party is a better descriptor.

Susan Cook

23 hours ago
My point as well! The DNA matches.

Emmer Biggins

23 hours ago

It’s really sad that each and every American doesn’t read and comprehend the salient facts the this article presents.

But alas, far too many are simply willfully duped by the decades long dumbing down of facts by the propaganda arm of the same party – the mainstream media.

Quite a feat for the frightened little tyrant whose expulsion from Heaven and subsequent role on earth to deceive has been able to accomplish. Likely even he, the father of lies, didn’t grasp just how easy it would be to do.


Thomas M Kelly

1 day ago
The politicians are just stooges of the swamp. The Republicans had plenty of chances to stop this. In 2017 they could have drained the swamp, but they gave us Russian collusion instead. They can do it now with control of the House. Shut off the funding.

Peter Colan

20 hours ago

Excellent synopsis, Steve.

Interesting that we seem to understand the “what” of creeping socialism, but I have struggled for many years “why”. Socialism is steeped in hatred, abuse, unhappiness, and even death. Surely proponents of socialism know this, or can at least feel it? How could they want it, then? Isn’t it human nature to strive for happiness? Or am I wrong?

I get that there are power mongers who want a permanent seat at the top, and will do it at all costs (I worked for corporations.. I get it) but what of all the liberal lemmings? Do they not see the cliff ahead? If not, what do they see? Are they so fearful they just want a world without personal accountability? “Don’t make me think.. just tell me what to do and I’m happy to hand over all of my freedoms to the government”??

I have many friends who I don’t believe truly embody this kind of hatred and fear, but in spite of lie after lie being called out (Russia collusion, the failed Fauci-ouchy.. the list is endless) when I ask why they don’t broaden their perspective on information they consume, the response is “why would the media lie to me?”

Are the lemming just that gullible? How did they get that way?

Fighting this battle, I believe, requires not only understanding the “what”, but also the real root cause reason(s) “why”.


Daniel Lee

18 hours ago
The articles at Wisdomgoodlife.com explain people work very hard against their own interests, including harming their children and destroying their country, because they are under the influence of the very real devil.

Peter Colan

17 hours ago

Very insightful articles, Daniel. I appreciate the link.

I anticipated the answer.. it is the devil at work. How else could Devilcrats coordinate and execute such a massive effort to infiltrate our schools, our government, and our elections without a highly coordinated campaign where there would be whisleblowera everywhere exposing it. Why isn’t Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and all other extreme leftists in their 80’s and 90’s simply enjoying their golden years?

Because it’s not about seeking happiness .. the devil abhors happiness. These “walking dead” are inextricably hypnotized by the devil. As are the lemmings who are sucked into MSM and refuse to let critical thinking and exposure to alternative viewpoints enter their consciousness. But for them there is hope. I have made it my mission to personally influence just one person at a time to “wake up”. So far so good. I’ve got a couple notches on my belt. If each of us work hard to influence just one friend to “wake up”, we would have a different nation.

Larry Knight

20 hours ago

Thank you for the article detailing the many similarities between the Nazi Party and today’s Democrat Party. I wonder if these similarities exist between other nations that have chosen a path to totalitarianism?

I think the root cause of all these declines into some form of evil totalitarianism is revealed from heaven through the Apostle Paul in Romans 1:18-32, with a summary given in verses 24 and 25.

“Therefore, God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among them selves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever!”¨0¨God gave them up … because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator. Being over eighty, I have lived long enough to see this happen in the USA. When I was a child during WWII, church attendance was popular. Not so much today.

Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love and serve God and the second is to love and serve your fellow man. These concepts are not present in the political Left.

Larry Svestka

8 hours ago

I have frequently pointed to this scripture.

The result(the fruits) of their decision to reject God, and so make themselves god, are listed by Paul.

. 28 And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, 30 Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

[26] “God delivered them up”: Not by being author of their sins, but by withdrawing his grace, and so permitting them, in punishment of their pride, to fall into those shameful sins.

31 Foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy. 32 Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.

God derangement syndrome.

Alan Stevens

7 hours ago

Jesus Christ Derangement Syndrome.

Proportional to the number and rankings of the demons (evil spirits) that are inside of the person.

Mark 5:1-20
Revelation 12:11

Molly Pitcher

17 hours ago
Our earliest civilizations realized that all of those evil inclinations within us are built-into all living things: Self-preservation: Let us live! Those instincts gave rise to various forms of religions, cults, dictatorships, nations. Follow the big strong leader; if we feed him a little pizzo he will protect us. Worship the guy, and anything that takes us under his wings: he’s got connections! Sacrifice the weak and unwilling, and maybe their kids, too, right in front of your eyes, — if you want to live, control the weak and get a little tribute in return.
Jews gave us the understanding that everything around us didn’t come from us, therefore came from the Highest Possible Being we can’t see, but whose miracles we do see. Humanity grew, we had families, tribes, clans, loud thieving neighbors that we had to unite against if we wanted to survive. Christians gave us the idea that we have a brother, a Son of God brother, a human family connection to the unseen God — if we play by the Commandments. We’ve been through a lot of wars since to defeat various infidels in order to keep that higher connection.
Way over-sillified, but you can also infer who our enemies are. Right now, it seems to be a world-wide congregation of the We-Are-Gods religion. We have seen them and their tactics, pretty much the same as in Mr. McCann’s list, above, since The Beginning. They have not ever gone away, and we can see them on TV today! Worse, believing themselves to be gods, They Are Not Afraid Of Us. What extreme power this gives to Them! They even believe that They can control Nature, from invisible viruses to galactic climates, — and all the banking in between!
We are smart, by Nature and by knowing history, to be afraid of Their uncontrolled nature and psychoses,
So, now, while They are fomenting riots against governments and our local police, and reparationing/paying-off certain peoples to ramp them up to use as a front line in their army against Us, America and even the idea of Democracy and Free Men: How do We Man Up!“The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time; the hand of force may destroy but cannot disjoin them.”

― Thomas Jefferson

donald b welch

14 hours ago

it boils down to this…are there more of them then there are of us? perhaps not but they definitely play on offense while we are perpetually standing around on defense.

they carry the ball while we wallow in despair afraid of our own shadow. 3/4ths of their ‘team’ is dumb as rocks and still they persevere. why? they plan….we dawdle.

i am 74 and have been watching this play out my entire life. hate them if you will but the anti-american left has a plan, they stick to it and take NO prisoners. period.

to the core!


18 hours ago

Many of my respected and highly intelligent friends suffer depression. It’s expressed in many ways, but it comes down to a feeling of malice in this nation, that everything good is wrong and everything wrong is being forced on us. They have succumbed to the constant onslaught of the Left.

And with good reason. The Left have systematically and intentionally maneuvered and manipulated America into a quagmire of lies hidden behind a phony caring.

We have seen it all before. We can read about it in ancient and contemporary text. Rather than being depressed about it, I suggest we recognize the threat and react accordingly. The Left will, if not opposed, institute a regime of control reminiscent of Nazi Germany or Communist Russia.

The threat is real, but negative thoughts, giving up, or acquiescing, is not in our nature. We come from a line two centuries long that overcomes oppression, adversity and despair. There are a lot more of us than of them.

Realize that Hitler took over Germany with just 10% of Germans believing in Naziism. The Left in America is trying the same tactics. They infiltrate education, the media and now corporate America so that a small minority of zealots control massive organizations. The key word is Control.

The threat is real. Our most powerful defense is awareness. Our most powerful offensive weapon is uniting under a shared Principle. I suggest that Principle is the sanctity of the Individual, united in a shared vision of a free America. The article that follows is excellent.

JC Raines

16 hours ago
Your post is an example of the generally high quality posts here on AT. Thanks, Fasb32.

Molly Pitcher

17 hours ago
Laugh back! I am just about to lose another friend, I hope temporarily, because he believes that Biden is such a gift to a torn country! I send these AT masterpieces, (thank you all, Good Writers of clear thought,) to Dem friends, and find that they do read them, often discuss, and even sometimes admit to changing their minds about who the Good Guys are, and which are really the better ideas and actions.
I also find that there is a definite malaise out there among those who miss a happier life from decades ago, when we were all on the same team. How many times have we heard a retired-age person say “I’m glad I’m old. I don’t want to live to see what’s going to happen to this country?” Connect with your kids and grandkids. Point out the manufactured divisiveness between us, and how our retirement funds are going to be given, thanks, Joe B, back to the rapidly, magically increasingly wealthy investors of junk climate change products.; it is obvious. And frankly, people want to be happy! Not watching alien murderers of suicidal illegitimate children of drug-addicted nuns, — stuff seen too often as Hollywood entertainment

Donn Reeves

1 day ago
But it is all justified and good because they are doing God’s work. No? Isn’t getting rid of DJT the only thing that matters in this alternative universe we live in? TDS may prove to be more fatal to the well being of mankind than the Fauci Flu.

JC Raines

22 hours ago
Outstanding, Steve. Once again, you have written a superb analysis and have pointed to precise dangers we face. And why. I pray this column causes many defections from the Democrat Party to the GOP. If this metamorphosis doesn’t stop, we will have death camps in the 21st century.

Anna Stark

20 hours ago

When the goal is absolute power by one ruling political party…

Anything is possible to inlcude, but not limited to arresting and jailing the defacto leader of the opposing political party.

Bob Ryan

22 hours ago
Some interesting comparisons between the National Socialists and Democrat Party of today, with the only exception being the National Socialists were not the same as the fascists. Fascists did not care about race, which was the only reason most Jewish people survived Mussolini.

Anna Stark

19 hours ago

Ten years ago…

Remember Obama’s Civilian National Security Force?
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Candidate Obama sent red flags up all over the country when he strongly proposed

First step: Weaponize the government alphabet agencies
Second step: Censure the media/citizen opposition
Third step: Arrest and jail the opposing political party leader
Fourth step: Dismantle and then outlaw all opposition
Fifth step: Rule by fiat.

Robert White

20 hours ago
Years ago, my ultra liberal cousin told me that she is a National Socialist. I asked her how long she had been a Nazi, and if she was teaching it in school.
When she said she wasn’t a Nazi, I asked her why she took the name.

Dewayne W Cargill

21 hours ago
There, someone finally said it! Democrat enemy number one. Our problem is Ronna McDaniel and her uncle.

William H McClure

21 hours ago

The words from our Founders are often ignored. Our countries destruction will not occur from outside forces but instead from evil forces from within. Those forces are clearly created and spread by the political cabal of the donks, their propaganda arm, the MSM, and their SA. BLM & antifa.

There is only one way to deal with such evil, hate, and destruction towards our Republic. We have to fight harder and dirtier than the opposition do…


22 hours ago
Nine, they propagandized to the children!

Anna Stark

20 hours ago
The Marxist/Democrat/Hate America narrative which is taught in the American public schools has produced at least 2 generations of foot soliders for the left.

William H Dexter II

22 hours ago

Thank you Steve. I am reminded of a saying I remember from years ago. Paraphrasing –

When they came for the foreigners, we didn’t object because we were not foreign.
When they came for the Jews we didn’t object because we were not Jews.
When they came for us, there was no one left to object.

David N Sharpe

18 hours ago

Such a ridiculous article, but this is just insanely, irresponsibly wrong:

The Democrat party seized upon in all likelihood a setup disturbance at the Capitol on January 6, 2021

Charles Kinbote

18 hours ago
They just can’t take responsibility for their own misdeeds, can they?

Daniel Lee

18 hours ago

“Louis Farrakhan, who has referred to Judaism as the “religion of Satan”

They call you what they are, because for some reason there’s a veil over the eyes of Republicans and you just won’t tell devilcrats what they are and thus allow you to be labeled and then treated as the bad guy.


18 hours ago

I’m reading Ken Follett’s trilogy “The Century”. The second book, “Winter of the World”, starts in 1933 describing the conflict between the Democrat Socialists (left) the Fascists (right) in both England and Germany. I am amazed at the similarities between the Facists and today’s Dems as Follett describes the politics and the struggle in both countries.

Although many people consider Nazis to be far right, they are actually leftists. Hitler started out in the early 1920s as a member of the Communist Party.

Charles Kinbote

18 hours ago
That’s silly. Nazis were famously anti-Communists and existed on the right side of the spectrum as part of fascism. The neo-Nazis today are also on the right.


11 hours ago
Is that you Roland?

Anna Stark

10 hours ago
Roland Pym = Vinz Clortho = Charles Kinbote


8 hours ago
Obviously you forgot to check and read the link provided. Hitler started as a commie. Other sources are available if you care to learn something outside your preset world view.

Charles Kinbote

8 hours ago
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Hitler railed against communism, both as a youth and all throughout Mein Kampf.

Larry Twidwell

10 hours ago
Saw this coming during Bush 2. We invaded, we adopted torture, assassination, and we all clapped our hands. Released the Intelligence agencies to pursue their agenda on citizen’s without merit. Our society has collapsed into moral decay a bit at a time. Even worse is the indoctrination of our youth beginning decades ago. All we lack is Himmler. But he is out here, somewhere.

John A Farrar

10 hours ago
The democrats are a party based on race, envy, and class division. Wilson was an open racist, who screened the movie Birth of a Nation in the White House. He also resegregated the federal work force. Today’s dims are racist in demonizing white people, but also disrespecting blacks. They act is though black people can’t get a picture ID, and that blacks can’t make their own decisions. This patronizing attitude is based on racism. The dims use their own storm troopers, Antifa/BLM to destroy property and intimidate people. The dims caused most of the violent riots, such as the arson of the President’s Church that is close to the White House. They ignore that violence but claim that January 6, is worse than Pearl Harbor and September 11. They lie, “Hands up don’t shoot” about Ferguson, even when the Obama DOJ cleared the officer, they keep telling this lie. They lionize George Floyed, who was a violent, drug addled moron, who would have died a violent death no matter what. But the dims lie and blame conservatives and white people for violence and political unrest. Vice President, then Senator Harris gets perpetrators of violence bail and legal aid. But the dims want middle aged, unarmed trespassers to languish in the DC Jail. That jail cannot pass American Correctional Association guidelines. Years ago, the Federal Bureau of Prisons had to take over the DC Department of Corrections, because they were so corrupt. The democrats brought us one Civil War; they are Hellbent on having another. They are the ones talking about secession and civil war. But as always, they overplay their hand. It was the school closings, lockdowns and Zoom classes that allowed parents to get a look at what the communist teachers were unloading on our children. Then Randi Weingarden’s insisting that schools remained closed after the pandemic, showing the true colors of the teachers’ unions. People are fed up with the democrats. Although it was an anemic showing by the republicans in November, we still took the House. During a presidential election in 2024, the republicans will have long coattails if they remain true to conservative values. Hang on, in less than two years we can have America back. When we get control of the Presidency, the House, and the Senate we need strong conservative republicans to clean house and make reforms. Term limits, not just on Senators and Congressmen, but on bureaucrats. Any Flag Officer and Senior Executive Staff member should only serve at the pleasure of the President. That will clean the swamp.

Fred Kremer

10 hours ago
Cleaning house? By what standards, what principles? That is the crux of the matter. How many Republicans share the identical philosophical principles of the Democrats? It would be less work to name those who do not. A much shorter list. Remember Hitler cleaned house. As did Mao, Stalin ad nauseum.

donald b welch

14 hours ago

when everyone votes, votes get bought.

when votes get bought, elections get stolen.

stolen elections kill a republic just as cancer kills life.

Kirk McDonald II

16 hours ago
There are cultural differences between Americans and Germans. The most important thing that they have in common is the religion of marxism.
A false god if ever there was one.

Keith Rice

16 hours ago
Academics have made no note of the pervasive corruption and deviation (from traditional and Constitutional standards) manifested by the Democrats … there’s no historical precedent, there’s no name for it so they can’t examine it.
Actually they won’t examine it because, for many, it’s their anti-American dreams come true.The Dems are taking bits and pieces from the varied history of tyrants and dictators to weave into a new cloth of absolute control, with various players jockeying into position to get a special, privilege role in the New Order.

It seems the fundamental assumption is that people are idiots, and while that’s true of most Democrats as well as those not involved politically, it has us conservatives looking on with deep concern.

Many are just waiting for the starting gun.

Betty Butler

16 hours ago
Democrats were evil from the beginning.
They promoted slavery and murdered President Lincoln.
They colluded with communists and praised Stalin. They set us up for wars and import our enemies onto our own soil. They demand the butchering of innocent children and flood our country with deadly drugs and mandate a toxic mRNA experimental shot.They’ve never changed, since Cain murdered Abel and Sodom and Gomorrah’s evils had to be destroyed.


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