Legacy of Adolf Ardern: Death & Disablement of New Zealanders

Leaked New Zealand Health Data: Had the Government told the truth about vaccine harms; lives would have been saved

Leaked Government data from the Wellington Region in New Zealand shows the number of heart attacks resulting in hospitalisation has increased by 83%. Hospitalisation for myocarditis is up by one third, a 33% increase. Miscarriage, stillbirths, and strokes are all up by a quarter, a 25% increase. And acute kidney injury is up by 40%.

Last Friday, an anonymous source sent Dr. Guy Hatchard some internal data from the New Zealand Health Department – Te Whatu Ora.  The data shows what Te Whatu Ora and the Government have been withholding from the public.

As well as the increase in myocarditis, miscarriages, stillbirths and strokes, the data shows the incidence of some cancers is also rising.  It confirms what New Zealanders have been witnessing:

People are mysteriously falling sick and dying in large numbers.  Everyone is looking over their shoulders and wondering if they are next in line. Slowly the realisation dawns that perhaps the authorities themselves have a dark secret they are trying to hide.

Excess deaths have been running at unprecedented levels for well over a year, hospital admissions are also at record levels, and the health service is overwhelmed.

For months we have been asking for data by disease category and vax status. From what data we do have, it appears that the vaccinated are being affected disproportionately.

Against the evidence, the authorities and their experts stubbornly maintain that it must be due to covid infection, rather than vaccination. They are calling for more mRNA vaccination, not less.

The leaked figures are from the Wellington Region, which contains approximately 10% of New Zealand’s population. Presuming they are accurate; the hospital admission figures verify that the health of the population is getting progressively worse.

When are they going to come clean and admit that biotechnology at the heart of mRNA vaccines is inherently dangerous and needs to be stopped?

Te Whatu Ora Are Hiding the Alarming Figures – a Tsunami of Illness, Dr. Guy Hatchard, 21 April 2023

The rise in hospital admissions across many illness categories in Wellington Region will have multiple causes, Dr. Guy Hatchard noted. The question is what are the weightings of the potential causal factors? In an article following the release of the leaked data, Dr. Hatchard answered some of the questions he had received regarding the possible causal factors.  You can read the questions and his answers HERE.

In a subsequent article, he explained the significance of the data and what New Zealand health officials were claiming despite having this information to hand – it tells a story of lies and cover-ups that has cost lives.

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NZ Health Data Leak – In the last quarter of 2021 Ardern, Bloomfield, Hipkins and the medical Czars formulated policy contrary to the evidence that they had on their own computers. WHY?

By Dr. Guy Hatchard

On 15 December 2021, Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, Director General of Health, sent a letter to District Health Boards (“DHBs”) belatedly warning them for the first time that there was a chance recipients of the Pfizer mRNA covid vaccine might develop myocarditis – a deadly heart illness. Apparently, Bloomfield decided to downplay the risk saying:

“The overall rate of this event in New Zealand is reported to be around 3 per 100,000 vaccinations” 

The leaked health data from the Wellington Region tells a completely different story.

By September 2021 incidence of myocarditis had increased by 13% among 20 to 29-year-olds, 15% among 30 to 39-year-olds, 11% among 40-49, 14% among 50-59, 19% among those 60+. There was a total of 444 additional cases of myocarditis between 1 January and 30 September 2021 compared to the same period in 2020 in Wellington Region alone.

By the end of September, approximately 40% of the Wellington Region population had received at least one dose of covid vaccine. The population of the Wellington region is 550,000 – 40% of that is 220,000. 60% of these people had had two doses, this means the total number of vaccinations was around 350,000 in the Wellington Region by the end of September 2021.

Therefore, the increase in the rate of myocarditis was sufficiently serious to warrant medical care for around 127 recipients out of every 100,000 vaccinations – 42 times higher than the 3 in 100,000 Bloomfield quoted to the DHBs. The risk Bloomfield announced was sufficiently low that it hardly caused a ripple among hospital staff, some of whom continued to advise the many people reporting symptoms of myocarditis that there was nothing to worry about – just take an ibuprofen and go home.

Was Bloomfield misformed? Was he simply unaware of what was going on in his own hospital system? Was he mistakenly trying to avoid a panic? Was he hoping it would all go away if he reported lowered data? Or was it something else?

Just remember by September 2021 there had been very few covid cases in NZ, almost none. So, he couldn’t blame the increases in myocarditis incidence on covid infection as others like Dr. Michael Baker have tried to do since. Bloomfield was in charge of the health service and there would be an expectation that the Director General of Health would keep the Minister for Covid-19 Response Chris Hipkins and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern fully informed about what was actually going on. Especially as a novel biotech vaccine was being rolled out. At the time, he was conferring with both of them on a daily basis. Where did he get his 3 in 100,000 figure from?

Did the government encourage Bloomfield to minimise risks?

The policy ramifications of Bloomfield’s failure to review or share the Health Board’s own real-life data proved to be deadly for every age cohort who as a result were misinformed about the risks and repeatedly told that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine was “safe and effective.” It wasn’t. And there were more deadly policy failures.

By September 2021, Wellington Region hospital data shows there had been 18% more heart attacks among 50 to 59-year-olds and 29% more among the 60+ age range. A total of 359 more heart attacks than in the same period the previous year before the vaccine rollout. In other words, there was an unprecedented, statistically improbable rash of cardiac illness affecting 50+ year-olds. Covid hadn’t begun to affect the population of Wellington by that time. Incredibly the government failed to reverse its policy to prioritise the vaccination of this older age group. WHY? 

In addition, hospitalisation for kidney injury was up for all 30+ age cohorts. Alarm bells should have been ringing.

It should have been apparent that a lot of people in the second half of their lives were going to face serious health episodes, including fatalities. These could have been avoided.

Was Bloomfield erroneously speculating that vaccination was the lesser of two evils? Was he thinking that covid infection would prove to be more deadly? Possibly, but he should have known by then from overseas data that covid vaccination was not preventing infection or transmission. He also should have known that covid was far less deadly than first suspected.

According to the accepted standards of medical safety, Bloomfield should have paused the vaccination rollout pending investigation.

The government’s own 2021 data readily available in the fourth quarter showed incontrovertible evidence of serious vaccine harm unsullied by any degree of covid infection. There could only have been one cause – mRNA vaccination. The government should have been warning the rest of the world, since NZ was in the unique position of being free of covid infection, it had a source of clean data to assess vaccine safety. Instead, the government decided to coerce universal vaccination of the whole population:

  • In early October they introduced vaccine mandates on pain of loss of employment.
  • They launched saturation advertising encouraging young and old to vaccinate, guaranteeing absolute safety and effectiveness.
  • They allowed private employers to sack unvaccinated employees.
  • They funded the media to support their covid policies and warned the population not to look further than the government for advice.
  • Crucially the Prime Minister’s office funded a new unit called ‘The Disinformation Project’ tasked with discrediting anyone who was asking questions about vaccine safety.
  • They set up agreements with social media companies like YouTube to exclude content originating in New Zealand critical of covid vaccination.

On 17 December, I received a letter from Astrid Koornneef, Director of the National Immunisation Programme who was replying on Ashley Bloomfield’s behalf to my letter to him of 28 October 2021 raising concerns about vaccine safety. Incredibly the reply asserted that:

“An accurate measurement of all adverse events [following vaccination] is not required.”

The letter also attempted to overthrow a foundational principle of causality:

“The temporal association of adverse events with vaccination is not indicative of a causal relationship.”

In other words, by mid-December 2021, despite the growing epidemic of heart and kidney illness among the vaccinated, Dr. Ashley Bloomfield in my opinion seemed to be in complete denial of the accepted standards of science and health safety. The government was not going to admit that mRNA covid vaccination was harmful even at the cost of honesty, science, and truth. They were prepared to abandon the foundational principles of civilisation in order to avoid censure. They were prepared to misinform citizens about the health risks of covid vaccination. To this day their motivations remain obscure, they have never had to face any questions from the public, the media, or opposition parties, who have meekly acquiesced to misleading publicity generated by the government and its paid experts.

At this point in time, the elevated levels of all-cause mortality currently running at 17% above long-term averages are the legacy of our government’s pandemic policy.

Yet the terms of reference of the current Royal Commission investigating the government’s pandemic response specifically exclude any consideration of vaccine safety. The government is still trying to cover its tracks and avoid any recriminations.

Yesterday, an old friend visited us after a 2-year gap. He wanted to know why I foolishly got involved with vaccine conspiracists. He has had four shots. He questioned whether the government could have any possible motivation to lie to the public. He also told me that unfortunately he has been given just four months to live after his cancer flared up. This type of personal story has become common in New Zealand. There is no way of knowing whether his cancer has been affected by vaccination. However, the leaked Wellington Region health data shows why these stories are becoming more common. An epidemic of vaccine harm is in progress. Read previous data leak releases HERE and HERE for more information.

No doubt my friend – in fact, the whole nation – deserves a straight answer to simple questions, especially where the health of family members has already been affected or life cut short, and for those who could suffer in future:

What possible motivation is there for the government to lie to the public? Is this gross incompetence or deliberate obfuscation? When is this madness going to be stopped? When will governments stop pouring money into biotechnology research which is subjecting so many people to unnecessary risk? mRNA vaccines haven’t worked, in fact, they are dangerous.

About the Author

Guy Hatchard, PhD, was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email. GLOBE.GLOBAL is a website dedicated to providing information about the dangers of biotechnology.

Featured image: Kiwis petition for Dr Ashley Bloomfield to be named New Zealander of the Year

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