The Vax Appears to Have a Long Life The Converse is You Have a Short Life

What is Killing People? (You Might Try Asking Those Who May Already Know.)—The FLCCC News Capsule for August 13, 2023

A Compendium of the Latest COVID-19 News, Facts & Features

AUG 13, 2023

Dr. Pierre Kory and investigative journalist Mary Beth Pfeiffer—writing in USA Today ????????????????????????—ask what has heretofore been mostly “un-askable” in the public arena:

Why are many more people dying — still— than in the years before the pandemic? And while deaths during COVID-19 had largely occurred among the old and infirm, why is this new wave hitting prime-of-life people so hard?

For many, the answer might be found in the following statistics:

“Life insurance data suggests something happened in the fall of 2021 in workplaces, especially among white-collar workers,” write Kory and Pfeiffer. “These are people whose education, income level and access to health care would predict better outcomes.”

The authors have called for an immediate investigation of these alarming trends. “Without a thorough and collaborative exploration, we can’t know what’s killing us – or how to stop it.”



In a new Substack discussing the USA Today Op-Ed, Dr. Kory writes about WHY the vaccines could not be mentioned in the story:

“Now, the obvious reaction anyone should have after reading our published version is, “Why were the vaccines not mentioned as a possible cause in the article?” If you need me to explain why, I will be brief and blunt: The Op-Ed would NEVER have seen the light of day otherwise. Not in a million years.”

He noted that the fact it got published in mainstream media might be a game-changer. He’s right. In his Substack essay, he made it crystal clear exactly where he stands.

“The only possibilities that could explain such a sudden rise: a series of terrorist attacks, wartime mobilization, or the proliferation of corporate vaccine mandates. As far as I can remember, only one of those events actually took place.”

I believe that readers of the USA Today article have clearly read between the lines—hence their questions as to why the vaccines were never mentioned. The hundreds of FLCCC physicians, nurses and allied professionals that make up this alliance are also stepping forward to say the quiet part out loud. It’s been night for far too long. Daylight is coming. The dawn is crowning. —JK

Can the FDA say or do whatever it pleases without challenge or impunity?

The federal agency seems to think so.

An appeal is now being heard in federal court in a case that was filed a year ago by Drs. Robert Apter, Mary Bowden and Paul Marik. They contended that the FDA overstepped its bounds by telling doctors what FDA-approved medications they can prescribe off-label. Furthermore, they say the FDA interfered in the doctor-patient relationship by advising patients whether they should take an approved drug (in this case ivermectin) for a specific purpose.

From the complaint: “Those decisions fall within the scope of the doctor-patient relationship. Attempts by the FDA to influence or intervene in the doctor-patient relationship amount to interference with the practice of medicine, the regulation of which is—and always has been—reserved to states.

“The FDA breached this critical boundary between federal and state authority by directing the public, including health professionals and patients, not to use ivermectin to treat COVID-19, even though the drug remains fully approved for human use.”

Jared Kelson, representing the doctors, told the appeals court that, “The fundamental issue in this case is straightforward. After the FDA approves the human drug for sale, does it then have the authority to interfere with how that drug is used within the doctor-patient relationship? The answer is no.” 

(Remember the FDA’s tweet about ivermectin? ”You are not a horse, You are not a cow. Stop it, y’all.”)

An FDA attorney was answering questions this week from a 3-judge panel. The attorney, Ashley Cheung Honold, told the panel some real doozies:

“The FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID.” (REALLY? THEN WHY ARE WE EVEN HERE?)

“If the FDA is merely making information statements, they do have sovereign immunity.” (HUH???)

“Even if this court concluded that the parts of the statement that said ‘Stop It’ were unlawful, the remaining parts of the statements that merely provided information would still be available.” (WHA-A-A-AT??)

“The public can elect its government officials and FDA…have politically accountable heads of the agency who are held accountable by the political process. It’s not the role of the courts to fact-check the FDA’s scientific statements.” (OH, LET ME SEE IF I HAVE THIS RIGHT. THE POLITICAL PROCESS WILL FACT-CHECK SCIENTIFIC STATEMENTS?)

Is your head spinning too?

On our Substack platform this week, we published a reminder of the need for ongoing research, humility, and the willingness to challenge established beliefs for the sake of patient care by sharing 25 times the medical consensus had to be revisited.

Because medical certification and licensing boards claim that individual healthcare providers who share information that is contrary to “consensus-driven scientific evidence” are misinformation spreaders who cause so much potential harm that their certifications or licenses should be revoked.

Here are just 5 of the incidences we called out when the medical consensus was dead wrong. (And there are WA-Y-Y-Y more than the 25 mentioned in our article.)

Thalidomide and Birth Defects (1950s-1960s)

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Cardiovascular Disease (1990s-2000s)

Stomach Ulcers and Stress (20th Century)

Dietary Fat and Heart Disease (1970s-1990s)

Bed Rest for Low Back Pain (2010s)

On this week’s FLCCC Weekly Webinar, whistleblower Dr. Umberto Meduri – the world expert on the use of corticosteroids for severe respiratory illnesses and a co-founder of the FLCCC – joined Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory to talk about his fight against the forces trying to stop the use of corticosteroids—a lifesaving, repurposed, globally available, affordable drug.

Many of our viewers expressed shock and outrage at the story as it unfolded live on the webinar. Here’s what they heard:

In 2001-2002, an elaborate scheme to shut down Dr. Meduri’s research on corticosteroids at the Memphis Lung Research Program (MLRP) at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) was concocted by staff and administration of UTHSC, aided by a representative for pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, with the participation of the New England Journal of Medicine and later, official public and regulatory agencies. They successfully shut down the MLRP, and because of that, millions lost their lives over the next 18 years.

A paper on Eli Lilly’s drug Xigris™ was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002, but the journal held on to a positive study on corticosteroids from France for 11 months—rejecting it three days after the FDA-approval of Xigris™. (Xigris™ was pulled from the market in 2011 for lack of efficacy and safety concerns.)

IMPACT: From 2002-2020, 80,000 Americans annually with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) died because they did not receive corticosteroids —proven to reduce mortality by 50%.

Likewise, millions of patients with COVID-related ARDS also perished in 2020 because of the WHO’s non-recommendation of corticosteroids, owing to the vilification of the drug starting in 2001-2002.

At the end of the webinar, Dr. Meduri clearly stated his objective in coming forward with his story:

So, if you can, share this story with as many people as you can in order to identify journalists, elected officials, members of law enforcement, or researchers and physicians willing to undertake a full investigation of this massive crime.

This is the third in a Long (COVID) Story Short series about the beneficial effects of Ashwagandha.

In this episode, our Dr. Been looks at the anti-stress and adaptogenic effects of this incredible herb. Ashwagandha helps improve neuronal plasticity and regeneration, and reduces the damage and death of these cells. To accomplish this effect, ashwagandha triggers the upregulation of HSP70 proteins. We always learn so much from Dr. Been!

This is an extraordinary MyStory from a very brave and totally patient-focused doctor.

Dr. Marcus Wheeler resigned from his job and set up a tele-health practice so he could use the FLCCC protocols to help his patients. Said Dr. Wheeler, “I am honored to be part of the FLCCC Alliance, where I am equipped to help my patients regain their health and their quality of life.” Bravo, Dr. Wheeler!!


???????? A Michigan judge ruled on Aug. 8 that a drug manufacturer and hospital are not protected by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act in the case of a man who experienced two strokes and a leg amputation after receiving the COVID-19 medication Remdesivir that was contaminated with glass particles. This case sets the tone for future lawsuits against the company for injuries potentially incurred by those given the drug.

???????? THIS IS BEYOND SHOCKING: Experts claimed that Remdesivir would stop COVID-19; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs. Now Remdesivir has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for COVID-19 treatment of kidney patients—even though the Remdesivir fact sheet clearly states that it may cause kidney and liver failure.

“I can’t believe the FDA would approve this,” one mother said. “My son was 37 years old. He went into the hospital with two blood clots, but his kidneys were functioning. They gave him Remdesivir, and in twelve hours, his kidneys stopped working, and his organs began to fail. We never saw him open his eyes again.”


????️ Dr. Umberto Meduri and Dr. Paul Marik speak with Dr. Bret Weinstein on The DarkHorse Podcast about the scandal that shut down Dr. Meduri’s research program and cost millions of people their lives.

????️ Dr. Pierre Kory discusses Dr. Fauci’s replacement on The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson.

????️ Dr. Kory speaks with Jodi O’Malley on America Out Loud about the War on Ivermectin.

The Global Health Project, a nonprofit organization, has been formed to encourage doctors and individuals to recognize that their feelings and experiences during COVID were manipulated as part of larger, systemic political and financial interests.

“We’re building a community of doctors and patients affected by medical tyranny. Our goal is to rebuild the sacred trust between the medical community and those they serve.”

Watch this short film…and then find out more about how you can become part of the Global Health Project.


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