Big Pharma: your friendly drug provider

Do you ever wonder why there are so many fake comments on illness and its treatment, and so many holistic doctors who are all quacks? If there is one lesson all should know, and I’m sure most of you do; its FOLLOW THE MONEY. They estimate it costs $10,000 to $20,000 to hire an assassin in the USA. I doubt it happens much, but character assassination, destruction of professional reputation, shutting down of rival businesses is an everyday occurrence. Why would Big Pharma have the incentive to do any of that? Well possibly?

Pharmaceutical market: worldwide revenue 2001-2018

Published by Matej Mikulic, Jan 30, 2020 The global pharmaceutical market has experienced significant growth in recent years. As of 2018 the total global pharmaceutical market is valued at about 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars. This is a significant increase from 2001 when the market was valued at just 390 billion U.S. dollars. The pharmaceutical market plays a key role in how people get medications and what people pay for medication.

Yes, perhaps there is incentive enough for playing nefarious games, with an income nearly half the $2.58 trillion GDP of the whole of Africa? There’s certainly enough to pay off all the news agencies & publications worldwide through advertising revenue. Need I mention the massive funding of political campaigns? Big Pharma lobbyists spend some $300 million per annum to lobby politicians. Just think how little it would cost to get an avaricious politician to pass laws in your favour. It happens day in day out & we are all poorer for it.


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